Alec Baldwin really makes me ill.
Charles Mims

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of GOP Momma
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 2:13 PM
To: Sandbox
Subject: [Sndbox] Alec Baldwin's Biscuit Bobble


Here's the big loser again and hooray for the Texas Republicans.
 Alec Baldwin's Biscuit Bobble

Alec Baldwin recently dropped by Texas to attend a fundraiser for congressional Democrats. He ungraciously brought some crass partisan theatrics along with him.

Holding up a box of dog biscuits, Baldwin had this to say about Texas Governor Rick Perry: "I wanted to give this to Tom DeLay's lap dog, Rick Perry."

The rude Hollywood dude continued, saying, "I thought maybe he had worked up a big appetite up there on the Capitol so Governor Perry, AKA Tom DeLay's lap dog in the Texas state Legislature, this box of dog biscuits is for you and I hope you enjoy it while you're toiling away at a redistricting plan."

Despite having put on the dog, Baldwin basically accomplished zip. The six-month battle of the Texas Legislature ended Sunday when the state senate passed a congressional redistricting plan.

Governor Perry will undoubtedly sign the bill into law, which will give the Republicans a majority in the Texas congressional delegation.

Baldwin didn't limit his Texas tirade to the redistricting topic. He whined about the California recall, Arnold Schwarzenegger and George Bush, too.

About the president, Baldwin blabbered, "Everything that Bush touches turns to manure in public policy."

The Left Coast Report notes that Baldwin's mention was the same stuff Texans had to shovel out of the room after he left.

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