Perv faked his own death
Cruel ... Dorsett at home last night

AN INTERNET love rat who conned women into having phone sex with him faked his death to avoid ever meeting them.

Callous Dave Dorsett, 30, fooled his lonely victims into believing he wanted to build a life with them — then “killed” himself off before each date.

Dorsett, who pretended to be a wealthy vet living on a luxury houseboat, sent the women lewd emails and text messages before promising a luxury lifestyle.

But he really lives with his common-law wife Zena Barrett in a grubby council house in West Drayton, West London.

Dorsett told smitten divorcee Sue Langer he would buy her a flashy Mercedes and sent her dream pictures of houses he said they would move into.

Furious mum-of-three Sue, 29, told yesterday how she fell for his scam and she grieved when she thought he was dead.

Dorsett, posing as his brother Wayne, said he had been killed in a car crash as he was driving to meet her for the first time.

She said: “I was absolutely devastated. I was falling in love with him and had been so looking forward to meeting him.”

The trickster told Sue he had been hit by a drunk driver. In an email he said: “Sue, it’s Wayne, Dave’s brother here. I really don’t know how to tell you this because I’m still in shock. But Dave was hit by a drunk driver in Norwich this morning and he is gone.

“I’m so sorry because I know he loves you very much.”

Sue, of Folkestone, Kent, said: “It’s really sick to fake your own death. To tell me: ‘Sorry I can’t meet you, I’m dead’ is a cruel way of treating someone. He has a weird way of getting his kicks and he’s hurt a lot of girls.”

Dorsett is believed to have conned at least eight other women he met in chatrooms with the same sob story. He killed himself off several other times or used the excuse that a relative had suddenly died and he could not make the date.

He told the women in dirty phone calls about his fantasies and said they would be “begging for more” as he tied them up and had kinky sex with them.

Devastated ... Sue was fooled

He even flashed a picture of his pierced manhood on the Net with a message saying: “Roses are red, poems are corny, take me to bed, I’m feeling horny.”

Sue said that despite the sleazy messages and calls he did seem like an “ideal partner”.

She explained: “Dave seemed perfect. He was telling me all the kinds of things that women want to hear and a few things that you don’t want to hear.”

Eventually Sue got suspicious, especially when she phoned Norfolk police and learned there had not been an accident.

She said: “Then I knew he had made it all up. I went mad at him online and he emailed me an apology saying he had only done it because he loved me so much.

“What a creep. He’s not dangerous, just sick and a real rat.”

Sue later found out that Dave had been chatting to at least eight other women and giving them the same spin.

One of them, Dianne, 31, of Harlow, Essex, said: “In the chatroom he was saucy and cheeky and I couldn’t wait to meet him.

“We’d spend hours on the phone and we arranged a date in August. I was on my way but he called me with a sob story that his sister had been killed and he had to rush to London.”

Dianne, who doesn’t want to be fully identified, said: “He’s a very sick, sad person.”

Dorsett refused to comment at his home last night.


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