Note 2 things:
One, at least Arkansas had the decency to suspend his license to begin with.....more than I can say for Congress.
Two, we may produce a few idiotic politicians, it's the rest of the nation however that votes the idoits in...we couldn't do it alone. So take that Newsmax!
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 6:49 PM
Subject: [Sndbox] Arkansas and How it Got That Way (revisited) C

Arkansas and How it Got That Way (revisited) ©
Norman Liebmann
Thursday September 18, 2003
Norman Liebmann is a former Television writer (Johnny Carson, Dean Martin; wrote and produced Chico and the Man, and created the characters for The Munsters). NOTE TO READERS: The following is a humor and satire column. Some of the content may be explicit and reader discretion is advised. Comments expressed are not those of NewsMax and represent the author only.

The whitewash of the Clinton Whitewater crimes is now history, justice having been given another Arkansas hysterectomy without benefit of anesthesia.

The process to permanently rescind Bill Clinton's license to malpractice the law was aborted by a panel of hillbilly intriguers, yokel Machiavellis, redneck wheeler-dealers, bumpkin finaglers, hayseed schemers, rustic ax-grinders, provincial plotters, and spidery hick cabalists to whom this obligation was entrusted, ending with a slap on the wrist, proving again, there is no way to tell where in the state of Arkansas the Law ends and the meadow muffins begin.

There comes now the candidacy of another rube chicaner - Wesley Clark - which signals another imminent evacuation from the descending colon of the Midwest which seems eager to inundate America with a second helping of Arkansas’ Presidential diarrhea.

Who are these people in Arkansas and why are they unloading crooked politicians on America?

Here is some background to help consider the source and may explain how this came about:

Arkansas: An Indian word meaning trailer court

State emblem: A raccoon jimmying open an ATM machine

State Flower: The air freshener

State Bird: The used car salesman

State Tree: The stump

Nickname: The Carwash State

State Motto: Don't ask. Don't tell. Don't laugh

Anthem: Hail to the Thief

In 1836, a lone covered wagon heading West lost a wheel. After twenty minutes stranded in the wilderness, the family members began to look good to each other and founded Arkansas.

Arkansas has a land mass of 53,187 square miles, about half of which is abandoned RV lots. It was admitted to the Union on June 15 but celebrates it on the 9th. (The number 9 is significant because in Arkansas it is also the age of consent.)

The capital is Little Rock, which the residents consider the most cosmopolitan city in Arkansas because it has a church, a Chinese restaurant and 450 bowling alleys. It also boasts the only McDonald's in the country that serves Squirrel-on-a-Stick.

Arkansas' most famous son was the musical genius, Wolfgang Amadeus Walmart.

English is Arkansas' second language, pointing is its first. Once considered the dumbest state in the union, Arkansas was dropped to the second dumbest state after Massachusetts renewed Teddy Kennedy's driver's license.

Civilization rooted slowly in Arkansas. Its technology peaked with the dripless candle and the doggie door. Present day inhabitants insist on watering the parking meters and dial 911 when they need help rewinding the garden hose.

At a recent International Trade Show, Arkansas introduced the designer horse blanket and the user-friendly pencil. By the turn of the century they hope to have a computer that runs on ethanol.

Arkansas is the only state in the Union in which swap meets are for arranging marriages, understandable when you consider, in the last 17 Miss Arkansas beauty contests, nobody won.

Once a month, the Sears Automotive Center offers a 10% discount to Arkansans who need to rotate their socks.

Arkansas politicians believe a good education is important as long as it doesn't get in the way of what you're trying to steal. Universities in Arkansas have unique standards.

To obtain a doctorate, a student must write his own T-shirt. Arkansas' prestigious Winnebago University graduates more lady lawyers than any college in the nation. The women celebrate getting degrees from the law school by shedding their skins.

The Arkansas mafia is heavily involved in illegal fishing and the selling of controlled agricultural substances to local teenagers who are into snorting corn. Still, Arkansas maintains a low crime rate by sending all its politicians to Washington. A contributory factor is the slow pace of life in the state. In Arkansas, only bank robbers will guarantee, in by ten - out by four.

Arkansas politicians are exceptionally friendly. To shake hands with the Governor you just have to reach into your own pocket. This native Arkansas affability caused Bill Clinton to arrive late at his Presidential inauguration, when he stopped to work the crowd and reset the odometers on his motorcade.

A land developer and big time Democrat contributor who turned state's evidence testified, had the Whitewater deal gone through as planned, the Governor would have awarded him a contract to pave the Ho Chi Minh Trail and re-route it through downtown Little Rock. The only way Chuck Colson can visit all of Bill Clinton's former business partners is by flying over Arkansas in a Piper Cub and buzzing the prisons one at a time.

If Charles Darwin has been around in 1836 the Galapagos Islands would be America's 25th state and Arkansas would be the off-ramp to Jurassic Park. The state of Arkansas proves Evolution doesn't include everybody.


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