Chemicals Found in Jars of Baby Food

BRUSSELS (UPI) -- The European Food Safety Authority found traces of a weak cancer causing chemical in some jars of food, including baby food. The regulators said there was no need to stop eating the food or stop giving it to babies because the "cancer risk is extremely low" but it recommended that manufacturers consider new packaging, the BBC said.

"Experts believe it would be prudent to reduce the presence of semicarbide in baby foods as swiftly as technological progress allows," the EFSA said in a statement. EFSA said it found the the chemical, semicarbazide, known as SEM, in very small quantities in food sold in glass jars with metal lids, containing sealant gaskets. The chemical seems to leach from the plastic into the food. "The foods that have been reported to contain SEM include baby foods, fruit juices, jams and conserves, honey, ketchups and mayonnaise, pickles and sterilized vegetables and sauces," the EFSA report said. Scientists believe SEM is produced by heat during processing.

Charles Mims

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