Today's Question:
Box cutter suspect: Did he do a public service?

Oct. 21, 2003, Tuesday

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Some background:
Bush administration officials pledged Tuesday to move more aggressively against potential threats in the wake of an incident in which federal authorities said a 20-year-old college student boasted about successfully compromising airline security. But Congress wants to know how he was able to smuggle the box cutters and other suspicious materials onto two commercial airliners and why they weren’t found for weeks.

Nathaniel Heatwole of Damascus, Md., was charged in federal court in Baltimore with taking a dangerous weapon aboard an aircraft. The case against Heatwole followed discovery of bags containing box cutters, bleach and other prohibited items aboard two Southwest Airlines planes. The government says Heatwole spirited box cutters onto two airplanes and then told the TSA what he did.
Click here to read more about the story.

"He both committed a crime and performed a public service," says Pat Buchanan. "For the latter, he should get community service. For the former, he should be hired by the Feds to check out our airliners."

Bill Press agrees. "I do think the box cutter dude did a public service: showing what an expensive farce the whole airport security mess is. Our anger should be directed toward TSA, not the college student who exposed them as frauds."

What do you think?

Charles Mims

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