Conspicuous Man Attempts Robbery

A New York City man attempted a robbery spree but poor planning, bad execution and flashy clothing did him in. Eighteen-year-old Daquan Pitts entered a HSBC bank branch in Brooklyn and asked for someone's account number -- anyone's account number -- to withdraw $10,000, according to police. To expedite the transaction, Pitts allegedly promised the teller half of the money, however she hit the alarm bell and Pitts fled without the money, the New York Post reports. He then tried the same scheme -- with the same results -- on another bank, all the more noticeable in his bright blue suit and matching tie. Afterward, he entered the Jenny Craig weight-loss center with a sign that says, "Lose 20 Pounds for $20." Apparently, he thought he would get $20 if he lost 20 pounds
Charles Mims

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