St. Louis: America's Unhealthiest City For Women

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) -- St. Louis is known for the Blues, but it's also giving the blues to women: It's the unhealthiest city in America for females.

That's according to "Self" magazine, which recently polled health experts and residents in America's 200 biggest cities to find out the best and worst places for women's health.

St. Louis ranked dead last, thanks to its being named the nation's capital for syphilis as well as poor air quality, high levels of stress and lots of smoking.

By contrast, the most healthy city is Burlington, Vermont, which has the highest number of ob/gyn doctors per capita, low crime, a glut of health clubs and organic food stores.

Other cities that hit highs and lows for women's health...

-- Philadelphia has the worst environment, mostly because its the largest importer of out-of-state garbage.

-- The gals in Galveston and Texas City, Texas, are the most stressed, thanks to high divorce rates and unemployment.

-- And San Francisco is the fittest city, with health clubs, outdoor staircases and hills galore.


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