I need to search and see if I can find a link to the
But this morning on the news, I heard about 4 boys who were
being starved by their foster parents.
A neighbor apparently called police when she saw the 19 year
old boy rooting in hers or another neighbor's trash.
The *boy* is less than 4 feet tall and weighs less than 50
pounds. My almost 7 year old weighs 51 pounds.
Anyway, the 4 boys survived on uncooked pancake batter
<gross> and peanut butter and jelly.
There was a lock on the kitchen to keep them out of it. The
foster parents also had 4 bio daughters who weren't abused at
Here's the two kickers to the story.
The 19 year old boy was removed from his bio parents home
because THEY were starving him. Also, the CPS worker had been at their house
for the past 4 years and never noticed anything wrong.
She is likely to lose her job and the authorities are
bringing her up on criminal charges as well.
Cases like these really piss me off when I hear of these
jerks harassing some other poor family because of nursing pictures. But these
boys are left in the care of fucknut foster parents?