ESA's Spaceman Coming Home

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (UPI) -- Mindful the last landing was way off course, U.S. and European medical personnel have joined Russian medics near Monday's Soyuz capsule landing site. On board the capsule, which last time came down hundreds of miles from its intended target because of a computer glitch, is the European Space Agency's first traveler to the International Space Station that the ESA helps pay for.

The off-target landing meant the Soyuz occupants had to wait hours for a ride back to civilization, a delay that could have been serious had they needed medical attention. The Spanish space traveler, Pedro Duque, was not up there long. He went up with the two-man relief crew last Monday to perform a week's worth of experiments. Now he's coming back with a returning crew that includes Russia's Yuri Malenchenko, the first person married in space. The American astronaut on board is Edward Lu, the Houston Chronicle reported.

Charles Mims

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