This CONSERVATIVE ALERT prepared for Charles Mims:

ISSUE:  Have you been concerned about the excesses of the PATRIOT Act? So
have a lot of other conservatives -- AND liberals!

So, earlier this month, a bipartisan group of Senators came together to
endorse changes to the USA PATRIOT Act. 
S. 1709, the "Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act", would amend and
clarify several provisions of the PATRIOT Act, including delayed notice and
multi-jurisdictional warrants, wiretaps, and library records and

"We must always keep the U.S. Constitution in mind as the guideline as
Congress works on issues, and homeland security is no exception," Sen. Mike
Crapo (R-ID) remarked at a news conference. "The changes we are proposing
through the SAFE Act clarify that terrorists, not law- abiding American
citizens, are the targets when federal investigations are underway. I have
heard from many [constituents] who are concerned about the overreaching
effects that the PATRIOT Act could have, and it is important that Congress
make the necessary changes to this law to provide adequate oversight and
checks and balances with law enforcement."

The SAFE Act is a narrowly-tailored bipartisan bill that would amend several
controversial provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act that permit the FBI to
conduct surveillance on Americans with inadequate judicial oversight. In
particular, it focuses on notification on roving wiretaps and delayed
notification, also called "sneak and peek," 
search warrants. The bill would not impede law enforcement's ability to
investigate terrorism, and would not amend pre-PATRIOT Act law in any way.
The bill is supported by a broad coalition of advocacy groups from across
the political spectrum.

"I believe the SAFE Act is a measured, reasonable, and appropriate response
to concerns we have with the USA PATRIOT Act," Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) said.
"This legislation intends to ensure the liberties of law-abiding individuals
are protected in our nation's fight against terrorism, without in any way
impeding that fight."

The bill was introduced this month by Sen. Craig and Sen. 
Dick Durbin (D-IL). Similar legislation (HR 3352) was also introduced in the
U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. C.L. "Butch" Otter (R-ID). "Recent
months have seen a growing realization in Congress and by the American
people that some parts of the PATRIOT Act pose serious threats to our
constitutional protections... This bill ensures the law enforcement and
intelligence communities will have the tools they need to effectively combat
terrorism" while addressing many of those concerns, Rep. 
Otter said.
ACTION ITEM:  We've been waiting for Congress to finally take action on this
festering hot-button issue! Go to our site below to send a FREE editable,
pre-written message to your Senators, urging them to support S. 1709, the
"Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act":
<a href="";> AOL GO HERE </a>

NOTE:  Be sure to forward this e-mail to everyone you know who wants to help
"roll back" some of the sections of the PATRIOT Act that encroach
dangerously on our civil liberties. 
Thank you!

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