Graham to Announce Senate Plans

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Bob Graham plans on Monday to announce his long-awaited decision on whether to seek a fourth term. Graham, who dropped out of the Democratic race for president on Oct. 6, has not indicated which way he is leaning, but said this week that the decision will be personal - not political.

Senate Democrats have been urging the 66-year-old Graham, who is considered the party's best hope of keeping the seat, to run again.

Republicans hold a 51-48 majority in the Senate, with one Democratic-leaning independent. Three Democrats have announced plans to retire, complicating the party's chances of regaining a majority. They are: Sens. Zell Miller of Georgia; John Edwards of North Carolina, a former rival of Graham's for the Democratic presidential nomination; and Ernest "Fritz" Hollings of South Carolina.

Graham has not had a difficult campaign since he unseated Sen. Paula Hawkins in 1986 - and even then he won 55 percent of the vote. If he competes for another term, Republicans contend that his campaign rhetoric against President Bush will come back to haunt him.

Graham said Tuesday that he is confident he would win with a strong majority.

"I have won the last two re-elections by almost 2-to-1 margins," he said. "I think that's where this one would go."

Graham was to make the announcement Monday in Tallahassee, Fla., aides said.

Buddy Shorstein, a former chief of staff, said he spoke with Graham about three weeks ago and thought he was leaning against running. But after another conversation last week, Shorstein said he thought Graham would run for another term.

"He runs by his own clock. He always has," Shorstein said.

Democrats in the race have said they will withdraw if Graham seeks another term.

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