Cross your fingers guys, I may have a job! Angela, maybe your good luck rubbed off on me. lol
Still technically employed, but can't hardly deliver pizzas without a running car. There is a shopping center that is only a mile from us, close enough that if the car won't get me there I can walk if I have to. Hopefully as bad as the car is, it might get me that far and back. It'll be interesting at any rate, seeing as the Church is only 2.3 miles from our front door and the last time I tried to get it there didn't  know if I would make it there, much less home. So may wind up walking, but at least I'm close enough to get there.
There's a Dollar General, a video store, a Bible book store and a  pizza place in the shopping center. No one seemed to be hiring but Dollar General, and it looks like I may have that one. She told me it took about a week, but if everything come back ok I had it. So hopefully in a week I'll have a job. :)
The bad thing is, it's  not very many hours. She did say with Christmas coming that might change, and that they had a high enough turn over it could turn into full time. Of course anything is better than nothing, so cross your fingers guys....we need it.
Greg Hopper
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in

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