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Rush Limbaugh Returning Soon

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As Rush Limbaugh fans – known as dittoheads – eagerly await his return to the airwaves, word is that he is recovering nicely and should be back soon.

On Friday, Rush’s brother David said that Rush was succeeding in shaking off his addiction to prescription painkillers and was eager to return to his post as the nation's No. 1 talk host.

"Rush is going to be back soon, he's going to hit the ground running, and he's going to have a renewed passion," David Limbaugh told EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) substitute host Walter Williams.

"I'm excited about it, he's excited about it, and the days are short. He's coming back."

Rush is "really making significant strides and is continuing to learn a great deal and truly believes he is profiting immeasurably" from his treatment experience, the younger Limbaugh reported.

"While his mind is still focused on the treatment, he's also given a lot of thought to his return, and he's very excited."

Limbaugh described his talk-star sibling as "anxious to renew his dialogue with the EIB family" and eager to "tell the audience ... firsthand about how he feels about all this."

According to Media Post's "Media Daily News," Limbaugh is set to return to the airwaves on Nov. 17, four days before he's scheduled to make his first public appearance since entering rehab.

But New York Post radio columnist John Mainelli tells NewsMax that the Nov. 17 date is unconfirmed.

On Nov. 5, Inside Radio, an industry newsletter, quoted Mark Mays, president of Clear Channel, the media giant that owns Rush’s show, as saying: "Rush will be out of his rehab in the next 7-10 days. We're expecting him to have a full recovery."

The company also noted solid support for Rush. Clear Channel radio chief John Hogan also was quoted by Inside Radio: "We have maintained 100 percent of our affiliate base, and we have maintained our advertiser base as well."

The item also said "a new survey by the independent polling firm of Burke Inc. finds support for Rush among his listeners is holding. Ninety percent said his drug problem has not diminished their feelings about him."

Editor’s Notes:

  • Do you support Rush? Vote in NewsMax’s urgent online poll – Click Here Now.

  • David Limbaugh’s new book, "Persecution," has hit the New York Times best-seller list. Get your copy at a discount – Click Here Now.

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