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Title: The Left Coast Report

A Political Look at Hollywood
By James Hirsen
November 11, 2003

A NewsMax Report

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Abraham Foxman's Latest Attack on Mel Gibson
2. Babs' Secret Directing Session
3. Susan Sarandon's Hillary Hate
4. Beatle Bolshevism
5. Christina Aguilera's Nasty Habit
6. Commerce Minister Says Minnie Driver May Harm Cambodia
7. Lawyer May Get Bopped for Singing Bob Marley Tune


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1. Abraham Foxman's Latest Attack on Mel Gibson

The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, is apparently so obsessed with stopping Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of Christ" that he has inadvertently exposed the reason why he has been so vocal in his opposition.

At ADL's annual meeting in New York, Foxman was in hyper hit mode. In a one-sided panel discussion titled "Mel Gibson's The Passion: A Conversation on Its Implications for Jews and Christians," Foxman warned the world of a dangerous practice that could cause "hate crimes against Jews."

What "dangerous practice" was he speaking of? What was the treacherous practice that was causing trepidation and creating concern that "hate crimes against Jews" might occur?

Well, the threat he was speaking of happens to be the cornerstone doctrine of the Christian faith -- the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ -- best known to believers as Easter.

Foxman declared that "hate crimes [against Jews] go up Easter week worldwide." He then surmised that the reason this occurs is because in Christian churches around the world a "sermon is given about the passion [of Christ]."

So, evidently Foxman's solution for eliminating anti-Semitism is not just to snuff out Gibson's film but also to extinguish Easter as Christians know it.

Foxman wasn't finished with his yak blitz yet. He proceeded to launch his most underhanded attack on Gibson to date: "I think he's [Gibson's] infected -- seriously infected -- with some very, very serious anti-Semitic views."

These words puked out of the leader of an organization that purports to stand for tolerance. Like an angry villager in a Boris Karloff movie, Foxman looks as if he has become the kind of monster his organization has been pursuing for 90 years. He's spewing deceitful accusations and showing everyone exactly what hate speech sounds like.

At ADL's gathering, two other panelists got into the Gibson attack groove. But their angle was that of harassment.

Paula Fredriksen, professor of theology at Boston University (and one of the original so-called scholars who condemned the film based on a stolen and out-of-date script), claimed that she had received "drive-by e-mail."

And Sister Mary C. Boys, a professor of Judeo-Christian Studies at New York's Union Theological Seminary, said that she had received harassing phone calls, hate mail and e-mails from Gibson's supporters.

Guess spam is more than some libs are capable of bearing. Or maybe Foxman, Fredriksen and Boys just have a really, really stubborn case of chronic secularism.

The Left Coast Report predicts that, despite the theatrics of Foxman and chums, "The Passion of Christ" will open at the start of the Lenten season to cinematic triumph and box office glory.

2. Babs' Secret Directing Session

Barbra Streisand has quite a reputation -- for being demanding, that is.

The New York Post reported that in a recent appearance on Oprah, the songster demanded that a black microphone be repainted in beige to match her outfit.

So, it's not hard to believe sources when they say that on a visit to the Montreal set of Viacom's miniseries "The Reagans," Streisand was no mere passive observer.

Barbra had given the impression that she was uninvolved in the production of the controversial made-for-TV -- now made-for-cable -- flick.

But sources indicate that after director Robert Allan Ackerman finished one of the scenes, the not-so-bashful Babs butted in with her directorial suggestions.

As a result, the cast and the crew had to remain on the set for an extra four hours while the scene was re-enacted to comply with Streisand's movie-making instructions.

The Left Coast Report asks if Streisand was the one who had hubby James Brolin made up to look like the spray-painted Al Gore from the Bush/Gore debates.

3. Susan Sarandon's Hillary Hate

You wouldn't expect anything bad about Hillary to fly out of the mouth of a prominent Hollywood lefty. But it's happened.

In Index magazine, Susan Sarandon whacks the former first lady so hard you can almost feel the entire Democratic Party reel.

Sarandon let go with a hearty "Hate her!"

She added that "the only thing she's [Hillary's] going to be remembered for is standing by her man, and that is really sad."

The Banger sister then hit Hillary in the sorest of spots -- campaign dollars. "She had a shot, and she really blew it. ... She turned out to be just another politician, which was really disappointing. I also think she lost a lot of support. I know a lot of people who write very large checks who have told her, 'That's it for us, don't come back.'"

The Left Coast Report says: Couldn't you have come to the right conclusion before we were saddled with a snooty left-wing senator for six years?

4. Beatle Bolshevism

Back when listening to Beatles music could get you placed in a state work camp in Cuba, Silvio Rodriguez lost his state job because of his Beatles penchant.

Now Rodriguez is one of Cuba's top folksingers. He was recently one of the participants in a peace concert that took place in a Havana park named after, not Vladimir Lenin, but can you believe it? John Lennon.

Lennon's songs were a featured part of the commie concert.

John's sister-in-law, Setsuko Ono, announced that she was donating several of her sculptures to Cuba. A local artist named Kcho covered a Sherman tank with a white cloth as a symbol of peace.

In his own attempt at a peace gesture, dictator Fidel Castro arrived wearing his communist military Sunday best.

Guess Castro and his cohorts must have glossed over one of Lennon's best lyrics: "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone, anyhow."

The Left Coast Report wonders if there are any plans for a gathering of Cuban comedians at the dedication of a Groucho Marx Square.

5. Christina Aguilera's Nasty Habit

These days, pop singers seem to be throwing more and more gutter balls.

Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera and others appear to be trying to out-lewd the Madonna crude.

At a recent MTV Europe Awards, Aguilera opted to forgo kissing and instead chose to dress in a nun's habit. But before you think she was cleaning up her act, you have to hear what followed.

The "What a Girl Wants" sister apparently wanted to shed her faux religious attire. So she launched into a striptease routine, which eventually revealed the world's-oldest-profession outfit that lay beneath. Then she treated the audience to a rousing rendition of her song "Dirrty."

And speaking of Aguilera, where was Tom Ridge when needed?

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Aguilera recently had a serious Homeland Security moment. Her multiple body piercings had caused the metal detectors at an American airport to go off. This led to an individual inspection from security guards.

Word has it that hand-held metal detectors went into beep overload. One witness remarked that Christina "rushed off to the V.I.P. lounge as soon as the ordeal was over."

The Left Coast Report sees a network plan in the making for a "Dirrty" version of "The Flying Nun."

6. Commerce Minister Says Minnie Driver May Harm Cambodia

Minnie Driver is involved in a modest international incident.

The actress recently told the press that she intended to move away from the glamour of Tinseltown, go to Cambodia and take a job in a sweatshop.

Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh evidently believes the actress could do more harm than good. Prasidh quipped, "As a 'mini-driver' can send your golf ball out of bounds, Ms. Minnie Driver can be harmful to Cambodia if she really meant it."

You see, Cambodia's main source of foreign revenue is the garment industry. And the International Labor Organization has indicated that labor conditions in Cambodia have been gradually improving. There's a concern that jobs will be lost if labor regulations are pushed too fast.

The Left Coast Report questions if on her new gig Minnie plans to share with fellow workers the services of her stylist, makeup artist, photographer, agent, assistant, bodyguard, cook, valet and forehead dabber.

7. Lawyer May Get Bopped for Singing Bob Marley Tune

Defense lawyer Christian Gauthier may have sung himself right into the loss of his license.

The Quebec Law Society has opened a disciplinary investigation against Gauthier. And that's not all. The Montreal police union intends to file a formal complaint, too.

It seems that the lawyer was heard crooning as he exited the courthouse in the middle of a murder trial.

The problem was Gauthier was singing a cut from a 1970s Bob Marley album called "I Shot the Sheriff." And the way-off-Broadway performance, including the line "I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense," was caught on tape.

Gauthier's client was on trial for murdering a policeman. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Gauthier did express apologies for his singing on Radio-Canada television: "If I hurt them, if I added to their plight, I'm sincerely sorry. I didn't think about it, and if I had, I wouldn't have sung."

The Left Coast Report hears that at the disciplinary hearing the lawyer may try crooning a few verses of "Call Me Irresponsible."


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The Left Coast Report is compiled by James L. Hirsen and the staff of NewsMax. You can read past Left Coast Reports from the archives - Click Here Now.


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