CBS/AP) Kobe Bryant appeared Thursday for the first time before the judge who will preside over his sexual assault trial, putting off a formal plea and saying nothing at the brief procedural hearing. A pretrial hearing was set for next month.

Bryant did not speak during the 12-minute hearing, reports CBS News Correspondent Lee Frank. While Bryant sat at the defense table, to his right and behind him in the first row of seats sat the alleged victim's parents, two brothers and a cousin.

Prosecution spokeswoman Krista Flannigan said this is the first time the alleged victim's family has seen Bryant.

"The family stated that they thought it was important for people to realize that there really is a victim in this case, and that they wanted to show their support for her," she said.

During the 12-minute hearing, Judge Terry Ruckriegle set a pretrial hearing for Dec. 19 and another for Jan. 23 to settle various motions, including whether records from a rape crisis center should be given to the defense.

The defense waived Bryant's rights to be advised of the sexual assault charge against him and the penalty he faces if convicted — four years to life in prison and 20 years to life on probation. Bryant's $25,000 bail was left unchanged.

"We have decided to follow the court's usual procedure and not enter a plea as of today," defense attorney Pamela Mackey said. "I fully advised my client of the charge against him and the possible penalty."

The Los Angeles Lakers' guard, who arrived in Colorado after playing a home game Wednesday night, sat quietly as Mackey answered routine questions from the judge about scheduling.

Attorneys on both sides told the judge they expected a trial to last two to three weeks. The judge said his staff would begin looking at potential dates.

Prosecutors and court officials had not expected Bryant to enter a plea until his arraignment, which hasn't been scheduled. After a formal plea, state law requires the trial must be scheduled within six months unless Bryant waives his right to a speedy trial.

Bryant is accused of raping the woman June 30 at a mountain resort near Edwards where she worked and he was a guest. Bryant, 25, says the two had consensual sex.

During the preliminary hearing last month, a sheriff's investigator testified the woman's blood was found on Bryant's T-shirt. The defense suggested the woman was promiscuous and the blood came from previous sexual activity.

Before the hearing began, about a dozen people rallied outside the courthouse in support of Bryant's accuser.

"We are here to remind everyone to treat this sexual assault case as a serious crime that it is rather than as fodder for entertainment," said Robin Finegan, a board member of a victims' assistance group.


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