Sounds good.

David L.

Ben Franklin:  “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters.”

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:13 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [TheSandbox] Update

I know the list is down again this morning.  Let me explain to all of you why we are going to ride this thing out.
As most of you know, the tech support guy from our new hosting service joined the list last week for the sole purpose of monitoring it so he would know when something went wrong.
They are working on the problem.  The reason I'm asking all of you to ride it out and bear with the problems is the personal attention they are giving to resolving the issue.
We are the first discussion type mail list they have hosted, they have other mail lists, but they are broadcast newsletter type lists.  The rapid back and forth transfer of messages involved in a discussion list has posed some technical problems on the server.
Once they fix one, a similar one is cropping up in a new place.
I'm advising we stay the course, and let them sort it out.  They *are* trying.  Once the bugs get ironed out I think things will be smooth.
I'd rather see the problems we are having, and see them acknowledge that there are problems, than be in the situation we were in last.  Some of you know that the last host promised us the moon, and never admitted there was a problem until it was too late to solve it.
So, let's give them a chance to fix it.
Charles Mims

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