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Title: The Left Coast Report

A Political Look at Hollywood
By James Hirsen
December 2, 2003

A NewsMax Report

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Moby and Soros' Son Solicit 30-Second Attack
2. Richard Gere Stumps Wesley Clark
3. Chill Windbag Blowing
4. George Clooney's Show Gets the Boot
5. James Brolin Comments on 'The Reagans'
6. Alec Baldwin Sees Scaredy Cats
7. The Case of the Bountiful Bolshoi Ballerina


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1. Moby and Soros' Son Solicit 30-Second Attack

Maybe they're frustrated over the positive response to the RNC's first pro-Bush ad.

But techno-rocker Moby has teamed up with the son of lefty multibillionaire George Soros. Their goal is to find the most effective 30-second TV spot that best slams President Bush.

The partisan pair is facilitating a contest for would-be spinners. Participants need to come up with a TV ad that will please the panel of judges, which includes Michael Moore, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, Jessica Lange, James Carville, Jack Black, Margaret Cho, Michael Stipe, Gus Van Sant, Eddie Vedder, Michael Mann and Russell Simmons.

The best Dubya dis will be shown on network TV in January, during the week of the president's State of the Union Address.

The contest's Web site, bushin30seconds.org, states that in order to enter, "You don't have to be formally trained in the art of filmmaking, just ready, willing and able to create an ad that tells the truth about George Bush."

The Left Coast Report thinks this group of judges wouldn't know the truth if it bit them in their progressively pampered posteriors.

2. Richard Gere Stumps Wesley Clark

With a myriad of Left Coasters stumping for the presidential campaign of Wesley Clark, none other than Richard Gere recently publicly stumped the former Allied commander.

The activist/actor, who's well informed when it comes to China's Tibet abuse, confronted Clark at a fund raiser.

Gere forced the retired army general to tap-dance by asking him to explain his position on the death penalty.

"I don't believe in the death penalty, per se, but I do believe we should reserve the right to use it in extreme cases, like that of Osama bin Laden," Clark replied confidently.

Then Gere hit Clark with a follow-up. "How can you not believe in the death penalty, but reserve that right for certain cases?"

After an awkward pause and some further exchanges, the Democrat presidential wannabe said, "We could have a philosophical discussion about this for hours, but I don't think this is the right venue."

The Left Coast Report guesses that, if a Hollywood song-and-dance man flummoxes Clark, the Clintons really overestimated their stalking horse.

3. Chill Windbag Blowing

Not content to merely fill the wires with his mindless orations on the war in Iraq, Susan Sarandon's sidekick is trying out his propaganda drive in a new forum - the stage.

Actor and lead marcher of the anti-war shrill team Tim Robbins has written a play that purportedly shows what really went on during the initial phase of the war in Iraq.

Robbins, who is directing the theatrical production as well, discharges rhetorical ammo at the embedded journalists who gave America the most intimate look at warfare ever.

Despite the fact that he wasn't in Iraq during the fighting, in his play Robbins nevertheless makes embedded reporters look like accomplices of the Pentagon, turns coalition troops into murderers and bandits, and paints the administration with a war-abusing political hack brush.

The cast of White House advisers includes such unimaginatively named characters as "Rum-Rum," "Pearly White," "Woof" and "Dick."

The officer in charge of the embedded units is a figure named "Col. Hardchannel." Hardchannel calls his embedded journalists "his bitches" and filters and alters all news coming out of Iraq.

Robbins even includes a character known as "Jen-Jen Ryan," a young female soldier who is turned into a hero by the media for deeds she never accomplished.

The Left Coast Report predicts that Robbins will soon be whining once again about the "chill wind" in America when it's pointed out that his play is filled with deceit and is an insult to all who have risked life and limb for our freedom.

4. George Clooney's Show Gets the Boot

After only 10 episodes, the peculiar semi-reality political series "K Street" has been canceled.

The official report is that George Clooney, Steven Soderbergh, HBO and Section 8 partners mutually agreed to put the cable show to bed.

Most folks who tuned in to the series probably wondered how it got on the air in the first place.

The idea of the show was to combine real political operators with actors to obtain a sort of mix of fact and fiction. You know, like Dan Rather.

With characters like James Carville involved, it was often hard to tell where the script began and the baloney ended. Variety reported that Carville was initially going to be more active in planning the episodes but that Soderbergh ended up directing all of the shows.

The Left Coast Report learned that "K Street" was such a bomb, viewers said they'd rather watch reruns of "Baby Bob."

5. James Brolin Comments on 'The Reagans'

James Brolin made his first public comments about the film that first stunk things up for CBS and in the end polluted the air on Showtime.

According to the New York Daily News, Brolin, aka Mr. Barbra Streisand, claimed that his activist spouse had not read the script and was on the set for only a short time.

Funny thing was, though, on her Web site Barbra vigorously defended the film as a fair depiction of President and Mrs. Reagan, leaving people wondering how she knew if she'd never seen the script or rough cut.

Meanwhile, the political warbler put another one of her anti-Bush blogs on her Web site. The title is a mocking "President Bush's Achievements ... Time for a New President!"

Streisand's source is the editor of Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, who wrote an odd collection of stats for those who have already written off the Bush presidency.

Judy Davis, the actress who played Nancy Reagan in the movie, had some revealing comments on the Reagan project. She said she didn't want to be involved in a film that was "maliciously intended." But Davis also indicated that she didn't want "to be involved in film that was pro-Republican propaganda."

The Left Coast Report understands how actors in Hollywood might be in dire terror of being cast in one of those countless pro-Republican propaganda flicks.

6. Alec Baldwin Sees Scaredy Cats

Looks as if Alec Baldwin is frustrated. And he seems to be steamed at the American people.

Baldwin recently asked the New York Observer, "Where is the protest against this war when almost on a daily basis, someone is dying over there?"

The actor then displayed some of the displeasure libs sometimes harbor toward their fellow Americans. "Right when you would want to question the motives of an administration, the country has gone and taken a nap. They're hiding in their houses. They're afraid of bin Laden. They're afraid of Hussein. They're afraid of not being able to make their mortgage payment. They're just afraid in general. And while they're afraid, they're spectacularly inattentive."

Hillary Clinton had a little bit different take than Baldwin. She claims the public is losing faith in the war.

The woman-who-would-be-queen traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq to get a good photo op and share her assessment. Hillary's idea of leadership apparently is to visit with the U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and warn them of the "many questions at home about the administration's policies." And oh, by the way, Happy Thanksgiving, troops.

The Left Coast Report has gotten word that the Pentagon has found a new use for the video of Hillary's "pep talk" and is using it to hammer the morale of the enemy.

7. The Case of the Bountiful Bolshoi Ballerina

A Moscow court has ruled that the Bolshoi Theater must rehire Anastasia Volochkova, a ballerina who was fired last September.

What was the reason for the dancer's dismissal? Allegedly, she was just too large.

According to the New York Times, the Bolshoi officials accused Volochkova of being too unwieldy onstage for the male soloists.

Russia's Labor Ministry urged the Bolshoi to take Volochkova back, but the theater said "Nyet," throwing the case into the court's hands.

In the end, the court awarded Volochkova 190,000 rubles in back pay and damages.

The Left Coast Report hears that the Bolshoi Theater just received an application for ballet employment from a certain Albert Gore.

Editor's Notes:

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    The Left Coast Report is compiled by James L. Hirsen and the staff of NewsMax. You can read past Left Coast Reports from the archives - Click Here Now.


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