Cell Phones

Mobile phones are said to becoming an important part of communication between couples, with many using them for 'nagging' purposes.

One in three couples use mobiles to contact their other half more than 10 times in a day, according to a survey. Reasons for calling range from letting each other know we are running late, finding out what is for dinner, or 'nagging' over something they forgot.

The survey of 1,000 adults even found one in 20 called their partner from the doorstep to let them know they are home.

The poll was conducted by market researchers on behalf of mobile phone operator.

A research spokesman said, "Before the era of mobile phones, husbands and wives had fewer opportunities to communicate with one another during the course of the working day."

"But with improved technology, we can now keep in touch with our partners or with other family members on a more regular basis," he added.

According to the research the most popular reason for phoning or sending a text message to their partner was to tell them they were running late. Some 81% gave it as their number one excuse.

Next, with 67%, was to ask them to do something they had forgotten, then 42% who wanted to check whether they need anything from the store, and 28% to find out what is for dinner.

The poll also found 27% saying they used their mobile to let their partner know they were staying in the pub for another drink.

Charles Mims
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