Geez, they want to watch a live porn show,

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 8:41 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: [Sndbox] Film banned

NEW YORK In October, a film student at New York University pitched an idea for her video-making class: a four-minute portrayal of the contrast between unbridled human lust and banal everyday behavior.
Her professor approved. The student, Paula Carmicino, found two actor friends willing to have sex on camera in front of the class. The other students expressed their support. But then the professor thought he should check with the administration, which immediately pulled the plug on the project.
What's more, university officials said they would issue a written policy requiring student films and videos to follow the ratings guidelines of the Motion Picture Association of America, with nothing racier than R-rated fare allowed, according to Carmicino and her professor, Carlos de Jesus. The MPAA says R-rated films may include "nudity within sensual scenes."
The matter has raised a mini-tempest on campus. On Wednesday, the school newspaper, The Washington Square News, published a front-page article about it, as well as an editorial critical of the administration.
Carmicino and de Jesus say the issue raises far-reaching questions of censorship and academic and artistic freedom.
"This is where you unfold as a creative artist," Carmicino, 21, said. "You need people to bounce your ideas off of, or else you won't evolve as an artist." Carmicino is a junior in the film and television department at the university's Tisch School of the Arts.
The department head and deans involved in the decision did not respond to telephone messages left Wednesday, and a spokesman for the Tisch school, Richard Pierce, said they would not be available to comment. He said he doubted that the matter had reached the university president, John Sexton.
Pierce said that the school had long had an unwritten policy that student films should follow industry standards and that it was now considering putting that policy in writing.
Defending the university, he said NYU was considered very broad-minded on questions of artistic freedom, but had to draw the line at videotaping real sex before a class of students. He compared that to a filmmaker committing arson for a movie about firefighters.
"Someone give me a list of universities that allow sex acts in the classroom," Pierce said. "We're not going to be the first."
He also praised Carmicino as a "serious and valued" student.
"The history of art is replete with examples of artists producing great art under limitations," Pierce said.
Christopher Dunn, an associate legal director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, said there was no First Amendment issue involved because the university was a private institution. But, he said, the decision runs counter to the tradition of academic freedom. "Students should be able to make films, write books or compose paintings without their university acting as a moral censor," he said.
De Jesus said he supported the film from the start. "It did have redeeming values, and it was fine with me, especially having seen her previous work," he said. "She's a young woman with lots of integrity." But when he checked with the administration, he said, "All I kept hearing was, 'No, no, no, she can't do this.'"
Carmicino said she then withdrew the idea to avoid putting her professor on the spot.
In Carmicino's view, the university is censoring a work about how people censor their own behavior. She said her video, titled "Animal," was supposed to depict the contrast between public and private behavior: "The whole concept of it was to compare the normal behavior of people in their everyday lives versus the animalistic behavior that comes out when they are having sex."
She planned to intersperse 30-second clips of passionate sex with scenes of the couple engaged in more mundane activities, like watching television and reading a newspaper.
Simulating the sex would have defeated her purpose, she said. "That's censoring the sex part. My thing is how we censor ourselves during the day when we're not having sex."
Pierce, the Tisch spokesman, said film and art students at the university frequently tested limits. Administrators often have to apply sensible guidelines for provocative works, and rarely draw media attention when they do so, he said.
Conversations with several Tisch students sympathetic to Carmicino's efforts made it clear that explicit content in classroom work was not unusual.
Vera Itkin, 20, a sophomore, said that one film in a class contained graphic secondhand footage from a pornographic movie and that two scripts called for hard-core sex scenes, one with dead people.
Lisa Estrin, 19, a sophomore, said she made a film showing simulated sex between two stuffed toys, Minnie Mouse and Lamb Chop.
Carmicino also has the support of her mother, Theresa Carmicino, a retired social worker in Shelby Township, Michigan, who said, "It's not subject matter I probably would like, but I think she had the right to represent herself the way she likes."
Nor was the controversy a surprise. "Paula's always pushed buttons," her mother said, but she has always backed up her contrarian positions with sound reasoning.
An official at another school said he had never heard of a requirement that student films adhere to industry ratings. "We as a matter of creative course do not censor," said Joe Wallenstein, the director of physical production at the University of Southern California's School of Cinema/Television.
While nudity is plentiful in student projects, he said, the school has never been confronted with an extremely graphic sexual scene, adding that it was unlikely that such a scene would be allowed.
In the end, Carmicino made another video for her class. It consisted of two characters having a conversation in which every word was bleeped out.
"She did a beautiful piece," de Jesus said. "I said to the class, 'You see what you can come up with when you feel real passionately about a subject?'"
Charles Mims
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