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Title: NewsMax Alerts

Dec. 11, 2003

Special Offers from NewsMax.com

Dear NewsMax Reader:

Please find below a special message from John Swallow, a conservative Republican running for Congress to represent Utah’s 2nd Congressional District. John’s campaign is one of the high priority national races endorsed and fully supported by the Club for Growth. He has some important information to share with you.

Thank you.


Dear Fellow American,

What do Hillary Clinton, Charles Rangel, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank have in common?

Answer: along with their ultra-liberal colleagues in the U. S. Senate and House, they have frantically poured hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash contributions, from their own campaign treasuries, directly into the Utah 2nd District Congressional campaigns to support the very vulnerable Democrat incumbent, Jim Matheson.

What do Washington-based big labor unions, the Sierra Club, and groups promoting the homosexual political agenda have in common?

Answer: they too, have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash contributions directly into the Utah 2nd District Congressional campaigns to try to save their Democrat incumbent.

In addition, the party of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Howard Dean, et al (the National Democrat Party) has added hundreds of thousands of dollars more to try to salvage their lone star in Utah.

The current campaign is more of the same, the ultra-left money is flowing into Utah as if this were their political Armageddon.

Their panic is because their hero, Democrat incumbent Jim Matheson, could get beat this time around, and I am the one who will beat him. My name is John Swallow, and I am a conservative Republican running for Congress to represent Utah’s 2nd Congressional District.

I have already raised over $325,000 in cash contributions for this campaign. I even out raised Matheson in fundraising last quarter. However, before it’s all over, we will need $2,000,000 to prevail.

Contribute: Click Here Now.

In 2003-04, all of us will be hit dozens of times for political contributions. Although many campaigns have merit, most have limited chances of winning.

Whom do you choose to support? Someone who is a good person, but who has limited chances of winning? Or a candidate who has been through the battle and now is in a top tier seat that most pundits are saying is very “winnable” and should be in “Republican hands?”

I am suggesting that I am a proven Republican candidate and, with your help we WILL pick up this current Democrat-held seat and put it in conservative hands.

Here are some facts about the Utah 2nd Congressional District:

President Bush received over 60% of the vote in Utah’s 2nd District in 2000 - he should be over 65% in 2004. Utah’s 2nd Congressional District should and must return to Republican hands.

Due to redistricting, 52% of registered voters in Utah’s 2nd District are Republican. Utah is expecting a big Republican year - it always does in presidential election years.

Because of the enormous amounts coming from Washington, D.C. to our opponent, we won’t prevail without continuous generous financial support. Can you make a donation of $25, $50, $100, $250, or more today?

Contribute: Click Here Now.

I have the experience to win.

In 2002, I lost to liberal Democrat Jim Matheson by .07% out of 200,000+ votes cast. - that's less than 1600 votes that separated us. This after being significantly outspent early by Mr. Matheson and liberal special interest groups; after the National Republican Congressional Committee wrote us off; and after liberal special interests broadcast many last minute distortions against me.

This time, we will not be outspent.

This time, we are not going to let Democrat Matheson and liberal special interest groups distort our record and our vision for America.

We are building a war chest that allows us to define the issues and force Mr. Matheson to talk about his ideology. Again, we need your support to help make this happen. We need your generous contribution today.

Contribute: Click Here Now.

Democrat Matheson is all about staying in office. He is a chameleon that changes colors wherever the political winds blow. This is a man who has spent $50,000 in polling and focus groups the past quarter in attempts to refine a message palpable to his conservative and moderate constituents in Utah's 2nd District. Do we really need another poll watching, career politician in Congress?

Do we really need another Congressman who placates his conservative constituency with rhetoric, but votes with the liberal Democrats?

We need fewer politicians with their fingers in the air judging the course of the prevailing wind and more leaders with their fingers on the Constitution. Liberal Jim Matheson is about getting elected; I am about creating opportunities for all Americans. Even if hard decisions have to be made at the expense of my political career.

I will not disappoint you when I serve in Congress. I would rather be sent back to the small business world than vote for legislation that will cause more harm than good for future generations - even if that legislation was drafted with the best intentions.

A Small Sample of What Matheson Stands For:

  • Matheson voted against most of President Bush’s tax cuts, fighting them all the way until final passage. He even supports a Presidential candidate this year who has pledged to rescind all federal tax cuts.
  • Matheson voted against an Amendment that would require other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council (e.g., Russia, France) to pay the same dues as the United States. They have the same vote in Security Council, why can’t they pay the same dues?
  • Matheson voted against requiring a 2/3 majority in the U.S. House and Senate in order to raise taxes.
  • Matheson even voted against banning partial birth abortions (he later reversed this vote saying he didn't know Utah voters felt so strong about it).

Do any of us want Democrat Jim Matheson in Congress another term?

Contribute: Click Here Now.

In 2004, there are approximately six (6) high-priority Congressional seats currently held by Democrats that are winnable. Republicans can win these important Congressional seats providing they have:

  • The right candidate, and

  • the resources to win.

Won’t you help me take back this seat and strengthen conservative representation in Congress?

Since it will take $2 million to beat liberal Democrat Jim Matheson, we must keep up our current pace of raising $1 million in Utah and from conservative PACs, and, in addition, we need the help of our conservative friends and supporters nationwide for another $1 million.

We need a force of 20,000 conservative Republicans to each give $50 or 10,000 donors to give each $100 in order to raise $1 million. Either way, this gets done because of support from you!

Contribute: Click Here Now.

Please go to our website and make a contribution of $50, $100, $250 or more today or call me at 801.949.9450 or 801.363.4004 if you have any questions. We need you on our team because in Congress I will not only represent Utah, but I’ll represent a conservative set of values that defines America.

Warmest regards,

John Swallow

John Swallow for Congress
P.O. Box 1823
Sandy, UT 84091
Phone: 801-363-4004
Fax: 801-261-3717
Web site: www.JohnSwallow.com


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