Just wonder what kind of difference is this kid looking for? 

David L.

Ben Franklin:  “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt, they have more need of masters.”

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 7:16 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'
Subject: [Sndbox] Ten Commandments out of place at police station,agnostic says

Ten Commandments out of place at police station, agnostic says


EVERETT -- Jesse Card is quiet, polite -- a thinky 20-year-old who wears a necklace made of macrame, coiled wire and a wisdom tooth. A button on his funky thrift-store tie indicates he is a 2-gallon donor to Puget Sound Blood Center.

In jeans and fleece, with moussed-up hair, he doesn't look like the man to take on Moses.

  Jesse Card
  Zoom Meryl Schenker / P-I
  Jesse Card, 20, wants a plaque bearing the Ten Commandments moved away from the Everett Police Station. The plaque is set back from the sidewalk.

But Card is the determined agnostic who filed a suit this year against the city of Everett demanding removal of a 6-foot-tall granite plaque bearing the Ten Commandments from in front of the city's police station -- where it has rested for some four decades.

The young agnostic is not alone. The Washington, D.C.-based group providing his legal defense, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, has backed dozens of others filing similar suits across the country.

Rulings on removal of Ten Commandment monuments have flopped and flipped, revved up and reversed, incited prayer vigils, proselytizing, political posturing and pointed debate.

Are these ancient edicts allegedly passed from God to Moses some 3,300 years ago the basis of universal law? Or, inscribed in granite and placed in civic sites, are they an unconstitutional flaunting of one religion at the expense of others?

That's Card's position. He's written letters to the city of Everett suggesting it move its monument to the Everett Eagles -- the organization that donated the monument to the city in 1959 -- or to the First Presbyterian Church, a block from the police station.

The court date is set for October 2004. The city already has spent $30,000 to defend keeping the monument where it is.

We asked Card to explain his position and the background that led him to it.

You grew up in Utah as a Mormon. Can you describe your family's religious ties?

We lived in Orem and went to church, I believe, every Sunday till I was 7 or 8 or so. We just kinda stopped going. I'm not sure why. Everyone seems to have floated away from it. I think everyone on my Dad's side is Mormon, though.

Can you describe your own beliefs growing up?

I probably considered myself Mormon till late elementary (school) or so. I don't believe my young brain grasped the full aspects of a belief in a god. Just incapable of the abstract thinking involved at the time. So I don't think I ever fully believed in the existence of a god.

Can you describe the evolution of your agnosticism, what it means to you?

(It) probably came from feeling that everything had a reasonable and physical explanation. From why the sky is blue to how our emotions work. My beliefs are basically that of humanism. That the world can be explained through natural means. That we should live life to its fullest and try to create the best world we can in this life, as it's the only one we have.

What was your family's reaction to your agnosticism?

I don't think (it) was shocking to anyone. My mom didn't seem to understand. When asked to pray for a family friend's recovery one time, I told her I would not since I didn't believe in a god. Her response was to pray anyway, just in case I was wrong. The suggestion felt very hurtful at the time.

You formed an atheist club at Monroe High School. Can you explain why, and the reactions of students, teachers, administrators?

I formed the group to just meet with like-minded peers to discuss current church and state matters. Also to feel not quite alone.

Administrators were cautious about it. ... Some of the students got really angry. A lot didn't understand what the group was or what it was about. Many didn't even know what the term atheist meant. I got a few angry yells in the halls. Most disheartening was the fact that most of my fliers would disappear in less than five minutes.

Have you read the plaque? What does it represent to you?

Of course. It boggles my mind that someone could read the first words, "I AM the LORD thy God," and say that it couldn't be interpreted as being religious. The monument most represents an icon of the Judeo-Christian belief systems. Or at the very least, a monotheistic belief system. By placing it on public property, I think it gives the impression (even if not the city's intent) of supporting those particular beliefs. I don't believe it's the government's business to tell people what they should or shouldn't believe.

Why did you decide to take on this battle?

I had always wanted to do something like this. I just never imagined I would have the chance to do it so soon. I've always wanted to try to make a difference. This would be a case to help set precedent and further the freedoms of everyone.

Your suit contends the Ten Commandments monument violates the U.S. Constitution. Can you elaborate?

I believe the Ten Commandments monument violates the U.S. and Washington constitutions. The U.S. Constitution has the First Amendment stating that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This has been interpreted to mean that the government should not give the impression of endorsement or prohibition of a specific religion or group of religions.

The Washington Constitution states in Article I Section II, "No public money or property shall be appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment."

You asked for $1 in damages in the suit. Why?

I believe I am entitled to something for the mental harm the monument incurs. However, being that budgets are so tight lately I certainly wouldn't want to ask for more.

Did you expect others to join in the suit? Have they?

When I first joined the suit, I was to be a co-plaintiff. (The other plaintiff) dropped out of the suit due to health reasons. I expected more plaintiffs to join; however, my attorneys have been very specific with what attributes they are looking for. Many have asked to join. I actually wish they would change the phrasing to allow more plaintiffs.

What is the cost to you, financially, emotionally? Has it been worth it?

The cost of the suit has been nil. Minimum wage wouldn't begin to cover this! Emotionally, I'd say it's probably one of the best things I have done. Sure, donating blood or volunteering will feel good for a while. This, however, will set a precedent and slightly expand our rights at a time when they've been drastically contracting.

Taking the long view, what would you like to come out of this suit, and others like it across the United States?

I'd like to see more changes with cases like this. Make people realize that there are millions of people out there that think that yes, these (monuments) are endorsing religion. That isn't right with such a diverse country.

How far are you willing to go with this fight?

As far as my attorneys are willing to go. Possibly farther

Charles Mims
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