Once upon a time in the enchanted forest there lived three gnus.  There was a momma gnu.  There was a poppa gnu.  And there was a baby gnu.

Came dinner time one day and there was nothing to eat.  So the poppa gnu decided to go out into the forest and collect some nuts and berries for dinner.

Just then baby gnu piped up and said "Bleah!  Nuts and berries again!"

So the poppa gnu went out into the forest.  Little did he know that it was hunting season for gnus.  And as he was walking along...  BLAM!  BLAM!  ...  the hunter killed him dead in his tracks.

After a while, momma gnu decided that old pops must be lost out in the forest.  So she said "Baby, you be a good gnu while I go out to look for your old man."

She didn't know it was hunting season for gnus either.  And as she was walking along...BLAM!  BLAM!  The hunter killed her dead in her tracks.

After a while, baby gnu was getting a little lonely and decided to go out and look for his parents.  He didn't know it was hunting season either.  And as he was walking along...BLAM!  BLAM!  The hunter got him too.  Assassinated him on the trail.  Did him in.  Knocked him off.  Killed him dead in his tracks.

Well....That's the gnus.  The weather in a moment.
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