Katie Couric: Saddam's Capture Only Symbolic

Perky "Today" show host Katie Couric, who said at the height of the Iraq war that she hoped Saddam Hussein had successfully fled to Syria, argued Monday morning that the Iraqi dictator's capture really wasn't that important after all.

Interviewing the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, Couric insisted, "It appears that Saddam Hussein was in no position to be calling the shots or orchestrating the efforts against U.S. troops in Iraq.

"So, militarily," she continued, "how much of the enemy's capabilities have really been degraded by this capture?"

When Gen. Sanchez tried to explain the strategic importance of removing Saddam from the battlefield, Couric chimed in, "Because this is more symbolic, General Sanchez, do you think?"

While the top military man didn't deny that Saddam's capture had a huge symbolic impact, he told Couric, "At the same time I believe it will be a concrete victory on the battlefield as [the insurgents] begin to reassess what their future holds."

Still, the early morning mega-star remained unconvinced that Saddam's capture had accomplished much, pressing Sanchez on whether the arrest "may actually incite various members of the insurgency" and "create an environment in which there is more violence against U.S. troops."

As Couric was arguing that the Iraqi dictator's capture might actually be bad news for soldiers on the ground, back in Baghdad, Brig. Gen. Mark Hertling was explaining to reporters how documents in Saddam's possession had already led to the capture of several other members of the old regime's command structure and provided key intelligence on the Baathist insurgency that continues to target U.S. troops.

While speculating on Saddam's whereabouts in April, Couric asked NBC's Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski if he could "confirm reports [Saddam] was taken to Tikrit, and then Mosul, and then hopefully to Syria." [our emphasis]

A "Today" show spokesman later told NewsMax that Couric "misspoke" but had no plans to publicly clarify her remark.



Charles Mims




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