December 17, 2003

         The Top 18 Things on Saddam Hussein's To-Do List

18> Announce that I'm finally ready to comply with those pesky
    U.N. resolutions.

17> Inform minister of information that yes, the United States 
    has indeed captured the Baghdad airport.

16> Add "2003 World Hide 'n' Seek Silver Medal Winner" to resume.

15> Find out if Hallmark makes a "Sorry I Tortured and Slaughtered
    the Nation!" card.

14> Call the Hell Hilton and book the Pol Pot suite.

13> Offer to dedicate my life to helping O.J. find the real
    killers if they let me free.

12> Start working on a shiv of mass destruction.

11> Trade all-nude version of Iraqi card deck for some smokes.

10> Stage food fight in cafeteria to distract guards, then walk
    out via front door.

 9> Eat map showing location of my secret cache of victory-parade

 8> Call Osama: Cancel "Trading Spaces" offer.

 7> Aha, Mr. Rubik, your cursed cube may have beaten me these past
    six months -- but now that I have ample time to focus on this
    task, the advantage is clearly mine!

 6> Award Halliburton a no-bid contract to shave my beard.

 5> Practice saying with a wacky accent: "Who sane!  Who sane?
    Not me, baby!"

 4> Create a statue of myself out of soap.

 3> "Dear Forum: I never thought I'd be writing to you, but
    when the cover to my hiding place opened, I found myself
    staring into the most gorgeous blue eyes in camouflage
    I've ever seen...."

 2> Luxuriate in the cleanliness and roominess of my new prison

and's Number 1 Thing on Saddam Hussein's To-Do List...

 1> Ask Bush family if they want to go best two out of three.

             [  The Top 5 List  ]
             [   Copyright 2003 by Chris White    ]

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