Your birthday star is in the constellation Virgo. It has the name β (Beta) Virginis in Johann Bayer's Uranometria star catalog. It is also called 5 Virginis in the Historia Cœlestis Britannica of John Flamsteed and Edmund Halley. It is called NS 1150+0145 in the NStars database.

It has visual magnitude 3.6 meaning that you could see this star with the naked eye in good viewing conditions. It is marked in the center of this star chart, at celestial coordinates (J2000 equinox):

Right ascension






This star is 35.5 light years away, which means that the light we see from it today set off on its journey at about the same time that you were born. Come back in a month or two and your birthday star may change, as the light from more distant stars reaches Earth.



Charles Mims


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Angela
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:24 PM
To: The Sandbox Discussion List
Subject: RE: [Sndbox] Birthday Stars


Your birthday star:

Your birthday star is in the constellation Ara. It is called 41 Arae in the Historia Cœlestis Britannica of John Flamsteed and Edmund Halley. It is called NS 1719-4638 A in the NStars database.



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