These guys are interesting, but they need to take a few lessons from Readers Digest.... <G>

On Thursday, December 18, 2003, at 07:46 PM, Charles wrote:

18 December 2003

by Dr. George Friedman

Saddam Hussein and the Dollar War


The capture of Saddam Hussein is an intelligence success for the
United States. It represents a massive effort to improve U.S.
intelligence capabilities in Iraq following a period of
intelligence failure. Hussein's capture, therefore, is important
not only in itself or in its implications for the guerrillas, but
also because it represents a massive and rapid improvement in
U.S. intelligence capabilities. It demonstrates that poor
intelligence is not inherent in U.S. guerrilla war-fighting; the
United States overcame it by identifying the central weaknesses
of its opponents. In this case, the central weakness was money --
and this was not only a financial weakness, but also a cultural

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