Will ABC Broadcast Neverland Rally?

The word is that ABC, which already gave us one interview with Michael Jackson's parents and another with his brothers, is ready for Round 3.

I told you yesterday that cameras were rolling at Neverland on Saturday for the big support event staged in honor of Jackson. There were celebrities, performances, and lots of family.

Now I'm told that Daphne Barak, the same correspondent who conducted the parents' interview, was all over the Saturday event. Apparently it was her film crew gathering testimonials for Michael's next TV show.

This, of course, would continue to be a sore point for CBS, which was supposed to air a Jackson special in November but postponed it for obvious reasons.

Barak and her crew were criticized last week when several outlets, including Jeannette Walls, reported that some kind of payment was made to the Jackson family for their participation in the other specials. The same deal would seem likely for this one as well.

It's one thing for ABC to pay the Jacksons or get money to them through an intermediary. But I wonder how Michael feels about his family cashing in during this time of great stress? Maybe he's actually pleased they've found a source of income other than himself.

Charles Mims
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