Dead bird, beach markings puzzle police

By Scott E. Williams
The Daily News

Published December 27, 2003

GALVESTON — Police are investigating a set of markings found on the beach Wednesday.

Officers received a report of the unusual design Tuesday and found a dead bird pinned to the center of a circle.

The six-foot circle was within another circle, and four lines extended from it, for about 30 feet in each direction.

“The strange thing was, the lines were completely straight and point true north, east, south and west,” said patrol officer D. Sims, who responded to the call on the beach across from the San Luis Hotel in the 5200 block Seawall Boulevard.

Two sticks pinned the wings of the bird at the center of the design to the ground, and eight rocks surrounded the carcass.

Sims said swelling of the bird’s carcass led officers to believe the bird was already dead and had washed ashore before its wings were impaled.

“We can’t yet say for sure, but it looked like it was already dead,” he said.

Still, detectives were looking into the case, to determine whether an act of animal cruelty had occurred.

At the ends of the lines that pointed north and south, two stacked stones lay on the ground. At the ends of the east and west lines, stones were balanced on top of sticks that were embedded into the soil.

Police did not know as of Friday who made the markings, or what significance they might hold.

Charles Mims
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