Of course, the UN doesn't mind if the PA creates a state with no human rights or 
liberties for other religious groups or people.  Geesh.

> From: "Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/12/31 Wed PM 06:57:44 EST
> To: "'The Sandbox Discussion List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Sndbox] We are making new muslim murderers
> "State of Palestine" Constitution Institutes Islamic Law 
> 16:24 Dec 31, '03 / 6 Tevet 5764
> http://www.arutzsheva.com/news.php3?id=55389
> The Palestinian Authority has adopted an official constitution based on
> Koranic "Sharia" Law, rendering all people living in the PA subject to
> Islamic Law. So writes independent investigative journalist David Bedein in
> FrontPageMagazine.com. 
> Over the past three years of the Oslo War, Bedein writes, hundred of
> Christians living in areas ruled by the PA have been arrested and imprisoned
> for holding church services or conducting public Christian practices without
> authorization. Some of the arrested Christians were set free in 2002 when
> the IDF took over control of what had been PA-controlled cities. This eased
> their conditions only slightly, however, as they now take refuge by hiding
> throughout Israel and surreptitiously try to get their families out of PA
> cities to join them and emigrate to any safe haven they can find in the
> West. One organization that helps Arabs who wish to emigrate from Israel is
> called HaMotzi and can be visited on the internet at . 
> Bedein met with some of these former prisoners, and writes, 
> "One of them, whom I shall call Joseph... described to me how his family
> cannot openly practice Christian holidays in Bethlehem under the watchful
> eyes of the PLO's Islamic police force. After all, the only place in the
> West Bank where the PLO army currently operates is in the Bethlehem area.
> Joseph also described how the US-funded Palestinian public school system has
> become Islamicized, and how his late nephew was literally tortured to death
> at age 12 by his schoolmates because he expressed love and respect for his
> uncle as a practicing Christian."
> Bedein maintains that the United States refuses to acknowledge these
> disturbing developments, despite many queries to various officials - and
> despite the fact that it was US AID that financed the formulation of the PA
> State Constitution that restricts Christians' rights. The Vatican Ambassador
> to the Holy Land, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, "expressed his concern to
> visiting US lawmakers that the PA had adopted Sharia Islamic Law, based on
> the Iranian and Saudi Arabian models," Bedein wrote.
> The PA Constitution, as can be seen at , begins by stating that the
> territory of the "State of Palestine" is an "indivisible unit based upon its
> borders on the even of June 4, 1967" - which include, of course, all of
> Jerusalem and many of its Jewish suburbs. It also states, "All residents of
> this territory shall be subject to Palestinian law exclusively." Equally
> improbable is Article 3, which states, "Palestine is a peace loving state
> that condemns terror, occupation and aggression." 
> Bedein concentrates, however, on the PA Constitution's Article 5, which
> reads as follows: "Arabic and Islam are the official Palestinian language
> and religion. Christianity and all other monotheistic religions shall be
> equally revered and respected." "In other words," Bedein explains, "as
> Archbishop Sambi noted, other religions such as Christianity, let alone
> Judaism, are only to be respected, while being denied any juridical status
> under the new Palestinian State Constitution." Similarly, Article 7 states,
> "The principles of Islamic Sharia are a major source for legislation."
> Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran that have adopted
> Sharia Islamic Law have made life quite difficult for Christians, Bedein
> points out: "Under Sharia Islamic Law, Christians are considered 'dhimmis,'
> which in effect leaves them as second class citizens. The Archbishop was
> particularly worried that all Christian churches and schools will be placed
> under the authority of Islamic Law." Saudi Arabia, run by Sharia law, is in
> fact one of the most oppressive countries for Christians, according to a
> report released last year by the Jerusalem Center For Public Affairs, as is
> Iran.
> In the PA, a similar trend is noticeable. The mainstream media have
> hesitated to report that less than 5% of the population in Jesus'
> birthplace, Bethlehem, is Christian - compared to only 35 years ago, when a
> majority of the city was Christian. The exodus of Christians from the city
> during its ten years under PA control has been dramatic. 
> "President George W. Bush's administration has envisioned a democratic
> Palestinian entity that is devoid of terror," Bedein concludes. "Instead,
> officials of US AID have fostered a constitution that envisions creation of
> the Islamic totalitarian state of Palestine, completely devoid of religious
> freedom and human rights. [At present,] no Church can operate in Bethlehem
> without Islamic approval... This is the legacy of what the US AID has
> facilitated, with or without the knowledge of the White House." 
> Charles Mims
> http://www.the-sandbox.org <http://www.the-sandbox.org/> 
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