Macy Gray: Terrified Of TV

LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) -- With her bold, brassy voice, out-there outfits and party-happy gyrations, Macy Gray doesn't appear to be anybody's shrinking violet.

But the funk revival mama has a deep, dark thorn in her side: A terrible fear of appearing on live TV that leaves her losing her lunch -- literally.

The singer tackled that monkey on her back in August of this year by co-hosting the ABC talk show "Jimmy Kimmel Live," appearing live -- yes, LIVE -- every night for a week.

She says she was really excited on the first night, but, "when I got there I was so nervous I was gonna sneak out."

Gray never gets the jitters over singing live, but says, "something about television really gets to me. I always get sick before I go on TV."

So just how sick was she before her first co-hosting gig? "I was in the bathroom for 45 minutes before the show," she says.

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