Wheelchair Chips

You may be a redneck wheelchair user if:

* Any part of your chair is painted camo.
* You have a wheelchair up on blocks in your front yard.
* You use deck plating, steel mesh, or motorcycle parts as decoration.
* You rigged up a beer cooler powered off your chair batteries. Double
  points if you don't  care that it sucks your batteries dry so long as
  the beer stays cold.
* You wear cowboy, biker, or work boots , even though they are a bitch
to put on and you can't walk anyway.
* You adjusted your headrest so it'll stop knocking off your hat.
* You installed a gun rack on back.
* Your joystick is a billiard ball, car stick shift knob, beer tap, or
* You ever thought about jacking your chair up 2 or 3 feet.
* You have knobby mud tires- that never get dirty.
* You installed a sound system so your chair will so und like a truck or
* You installed a whip antenna just so you could fly the stars and bars!
* There is a 'Harley' decal or emblem permanently attached to your
* You installed a CB behind or under your chair.
* You replaced your seat with a BarcoLounger.
* You found the above BarcoLounger at the side of the road.
* You named your chair 'Bubba', 'Junior', 'Daisy', or 'Killer'.
* There is some part of a deer decorating any part of your chair.
* You have ever thought about smuggling moonshine in the tubing or
battery compartment of the chair.
* You, while in your chair, ever made any roadkill.
* The accessories hangin' on the chair weigh more than the chair does.
* You browse truck catalogs looking for ways to soup up your chair.
* You want to add a side-car or a 'sweet little trailer'.
* You wear a 4 pound belt buckle that cuts into your stomach as you sit.
* The fringe of your jacket or strings of your b olo tie have ever got
  caught in your wheels - but you wear it anyway.
* You regularly call up Harley Davidson and ask when they are going to
start making wheelchairs.
* You have spent more than an hour trying to figure out how to hang
fuzzy dice from your chair.
* You have transported livestock in your chair. Bonus points if the
  livestock was bigger or heavier than you!
* You thought about, even for a second, trying to outrun a highway
patrol cruiser while in your chair.
* Duct tape plays a major role in your repair and maintenance plan.
* You really don't need a wheelchair in the first place, but you thought
it might help pick up chicks.
* You read this list and found yourself thinking, at any point, "now
that's a good idea!"
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