Warning! Email *Unbelievably* Unreliable

Email reliability is even worse than I thought. Much worse! At least, that's what our recent worldwide test showed!

Remember a while back when I wrote:

...I'd like to gather a group of volunteers... and send each

one a simple non-spam email message, in plain text and with no

attachments, from a personal mail account (not a bulk mailer).

I'd like to see how many of these simple messages actually

make it through the gauntlet of servers, routers, and ISP-

based and local mail filters....

Over 10,000 LangaList readers volunteered as test subjects; I conducted the test mailings in mid-November, and sorted and analyzed the results over the holiday break.

The basic test concept was simple: I sent one plain text, attachment- free email to each volunteer. The content of the email simulated normal, safe business or interpersonal correspondence. It contained no deliberate or obvious spam- or virus-filter triggers (e.g. no spamlike components, such as offers to enlarge this or shrink that; no attachments; no viruses; no HTML; no embedded scripts; etc.). The subject line was plain and general, neither designed to trigger nor avoid spam filters.

Plus: the recipients were expecting the mail: They new it was coming, although they didn't know the specifics of where, when or how it would be sent.

Even so, the results were dismal. Some 40% of the test emails didn't make it through!

Think about that for a minute: This suggests that as many as four out of ten of your serious emails--- the sort you might exchange with co- workers, family, friends, business associates, or customers--- may not be making it to their intended destinations.

Or: Four out of ten emails that others send to you may end up lost before you ever see them, *even if you expect the emails and are looking for them!*

There's a lot more to the story. I actually broke the 10,000+ volunteers into four subgroups to simulate different kinds of email (personal, one- at-a-time notes; reply mails; mails with large or small BCC lists, etc) and was able to track how each subgroup did. Some groups lost an astonishing 70% of the mail, even though all the test mails were plain text and non-spam, sent from a normal email client (not a bulk mailer); and even though the volunteers all were expecting a test email to arrive!

A complete description of the tests, and the group-by-group results, are posted at

http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=17300016 .

Plus, at the end of that article, I also sum up the best-available techniques to help you ensure successful deliveries, and minimize the chances that your emails will be lost.

I knew email reliability was getting bad, but a 40% failure rate stopped me in my tracks. Imagine if 40% of your phone calls failed, or 40% of your paper mail failed....

Odds are, if you're reading this newsletter, email is important to you.

Please check out the article at


so you'll know what we're all up against, and what you can do about it!

Charles Mims
Sndbox mailing list

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