Recipe - Low-carb Snack Mix

The low-carb craze is in full swing. If you suffered through the holidays because you couldn't indulge in that favorite snack mix that zillions make this time of year, I have a solution for you. In plenty of time for the Super Bowl, here's the low-carb snack mix that will put that same flavor in your mouth. And besides the nuts are the best part anyway!

Low-carb Snack Mix
1 can of whole cashews
olive oil spray
2 tsp of Worcestershire sauce (or more to taste)
one half tsp of salt
one half tsp of onion powder
one-half tsp of cayenne (or to taste)

Pour the nuts into an oven proof pan.

Spray with oil and toss. Sprinkle on the seasonings and toss thoroughly. Roast in your oven at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Keep a nose out for when the wonderful smell starts or when you spy a little browning on the edges. When you take them out toss one more time. Cool on paper towels. You can even eat them warm and really savor the coating.

Charles Mims
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