January 13, 2004

                  The Top 15 Quotes We Wish Were
                in the "Lord of the Rings" Movies

15> "Say my name, dwarf!"

14> "Look, Sam, my name isn't *Mr.* Frodo -- it's Frodo.
     Mr. Baggins if you're nasty."

13> "You had me at 'Aiya vanima.'"

12> "Nice work killing that Orc, faithful friend, but still it
     twitches.  Slay it again, Sam!"

11> "I.  Don't.  Like.  The.  Leggings.  Drying.  On.  The.  Rod!"

10> "It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that ring...
     doo-wah-tee-wah, doo-wah-tee-wah, doo-wah-tee-wah!"

 9> "Brethren of Gondor, we are gathered here to join Arwen
     Evenstar and Aragorn, son of Arathorn, in holy matrimony.
     Frodo, do you have the ring?"

 8> "Elvens have left the building."

 7> "Attention, audience: Fair Arwen is speaking, so you may all
     relax, as nothing important will take place.  The next 10
     minutes would be an excellent time to go pee."

 6> "Legolas my Eggolas!"

 5> "Go not by that path, Aragorn!  For my young companion Osment
     sees dead people!"

 4> "Smeagol, do you like movies about gladiators?"

 3> "You sure you ain't never been just a wee bit curious,
     Mr. Frodo?"

 2> "Ha!  Let the dark armies of Saruman come!  It would take
     an entire brigade of giant mutant four-tusked elephants
     to conquer our...  well, son of a bitch!"

             and Topfive.com's Number 1 Quote We Wish
              Were in a "Lord of the Rings" Movie...

 1> "Run, forest, run!"

             [  The Top 5 List   www.topfive.com  ]
             [   Copyright 2004 by Chris White    ]


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