Not Fooling Anybody

We've all seen them. Heck, maybe we've even dined in them. But nobody is fooled by these architectural mixed messages that reek of culinary contradiction. You know, the El Pollo Loco that looks suspiciously like a defunct Toys 'R' Us? Or the distinctive Pizza Hut shack reincarnated as Chinese Hut?

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Yahooligans! Teachers' Guide

Activities, lesson plans, and other resources for using Internet content as part of teaching and learning.

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Shanghai Guide: Ancient Chinese Birth Chart

This chart predicts the sex of a child by crossing the age of the mother at conception with the month of conception.

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Materials of Kimchi

Branches out beyond cabbage to a wide variety of kimchi possibilities including dropwort, leaf mustard, burdock, eggplant, and more.

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Self-Arrest Form (for a good laugh)

Fill out the form, enter your plea, and you don't even have to leave the house. This site is just for a laugh, not to be taken seriously.

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Not Fooling Anybody

Yahooligans! Teachers' Guide

Shanghai Guide: Ancient Chinese Birth Chart

Materials of Kimchi

Self-Arrest Form (for a good laugh)
Charles Mims
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