Japanese Invent Dream Machine

TOKYO (UPI) -- A Japanese company has invented a device it claims will allow users to create their own dreams, the BBC reported. Prospective dreamers are asked to look at a photo of what they would like to dream about and then record a story line into the Yumemi Kobo, or "dream workshop," manufactured by the Takara Company.

The machine uses the voice recording, along with lights, music and smells, to help them direct their own dreams during periods of rapid eye movement sleep. Sleepers are awakened gently after eight hours with music and lights that stimulate sunlight so users won't forget their dream while waking up. Takara is the company that introduced the "bowlingual" and "meowlingual" devices, which purport to translate dog and cat communication. A spokesman acknowledged the machine may still need refining. "We are still experimenting, mainly with company employees," Kenji Hattori, a Takara marketing executive, told reporters.

Charles Mims
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