Yellowstone May Be Worse than Claimed

Government scientists are notoriously fearful of saying things that will
result in sensational press coverage, and this fear may be contributing to
public complacency about Yellowstone.

Large areas of the park remain closed, and campers and visitors report a
powerful stench of sulfur in some areas that remain open, especially
downwind of the closed section.

The Oregon Observer reports that "the irony of all this is the silence by
the news media and our government. Very little information is available from
Yellowstone personnel or publications. What mainstream news stories do
appear underscore the likelihood of a massive volcanic eruption."

Yellowstone is a so-called 'supervolcano,' which is one that erupts over a
large land area rather than through a volcanic cone, such as the great
mountain volcanoes. Supervolcanoes have the potential to cause vastly
greater damage because their emissions are usually much larger. The last
time Yellowstone erupted, damaging ash fall took place as far as six hundred
miles downwind of the park.

Since prevailing wind flows are eastward most of the year across the
American continent, it can be assumed that most of the ash fall from such an
eruption would be deposited east of the park.

What will warn of an eruption? A dramatic increase in seismic activity in
the area of the park will be the early warning sign, followed by larger and
larger quakes and significant increases in ground temperatures and
outgassing over wider areas. Right now, we appear to be in the early stages
of this, and nobody knows whether current activity will subside or get
worse. But the changes would be more dramatic than have been seen so far
prior to an eruption.

For more, go to the story:

David L.

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his
fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with
your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy

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