These Arabs are monsters, yet the UN treats the Israelis as the monsters and don't say a word against such actions.  Where is the out cry?

David L.

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his
fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with
your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Charles
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:09 AM
To: 'The Sandbox Discussion List'


Additional details of yesterday's murderous terrorist bombing in northern Gaza that claimed the lives of four Israelis paint a frightful picture of a woman who cried for mercy - and seconds later coldly murdered those who bestowed it upon her.

The suicide attack was perpetrated by a young woman, the mother of two children aged 3 and 1 - the first time that Hamas has employed such a weapon, and the seventh female suicide bomber of the Oslo War.  It is now known that she made her way to the checkpoint without arousing suspicion, but when she passed through the electronic door, the alarm sounded, and the guard on duty turned her away.  She began to cry that she had a metal implant in her leg, and the same guard then apparently took pity on her, and allowed her in for a body check - and then she killed him.

Brig.-Gen. (res.) Tzvi Poleg, who served in the past as IDF Commander in Gaza, said this morning that the attack might have been prevented: "Wherever you have easing of restrictions, you have attacks.  If we were just a little less humanitarian, this attack would not have happened - or at least it would have been less costly.  It is unacceptable that a terrorist should arrive at the checkpoint and not be checked.  Even when a woman comes in crying that her leg hurts, we must not be too humanitarian.  We always want to be nice, and good, and sensitive - but not at the expense of our sons.  Wherever this happens, the terrorist organizations will see it as a weakness, and will take advantage to carry out attacks."

The results of Arab/PA incitement and hatred for Israel were manifest not only in yesterday's attack, but in the videotape the terrorist mother made before her death.  Smiling and cradling a rifle, she said that she had dreamed since she was 13 years old of "becoming a martyr" and dying for her people. "It was always my wish to turn my body into deadly shrapnel against the Zionists and to knock on the doors of heaven with the skulls of Zionists," she said.

The army is now looking into several difficult questions in the aftermath of the attack.  The first critical issue, of course, is how to relate to women at the checkpoints.  Col. Yoav Mordechai, head of the Gaza DCO liaison with the PA, says today that the army will have to "reconsider the manner in which it checks Arab women." 

Hamas terrorist leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said yesterday that Hamas will continue to use women terrorists for suicide attacks.  He said that "jihad [holy war] is an imperative for Muslim men and women," and that "resistance will escalate against this enemy until they leave our land and homeland."

Another dilemma on the IDF scales is the tension between the desire to allow the PA population to live normal lives and the need for security for Israeli citizens.  The Erez Crossing will be closed today, and it is not known when it will be re-opened.  Nineteen thousand Arab workers and businessmen generally cross the Green Line every day to work inside pre-1967 Israel, and another 5-6,000 are employed in the Jewish-owned businesses in the Erez Industrial Zone. 

Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz met with U.S. Senators yesterday, and told them that distinguishing between terrorists and the rest of the PA population is "complex," but that in any event, Israel will "continue to act as a humanitarian and democratic state."

The Gush Katif website notes that just two days ago,
        "the Arab neighborhood Vadi Silka Darom was flooded, and the IDF took great pains to send soldiers and trucks to evacuate the residents to Khan Yunis.  Undoubtedly, when it comes to saving lives we must help, but... just an hour later, the terrorists fired two mortar shells at N'vei Dekalim, and eight hours later, the accursed female terrorist blew herself up and murdered four Israelis and wounded ten others.
        "We went to the site and saw with our own eyes that the neighborhood that was flooded and evacuated was recently built [illegally] between [the Jewish areas of] the Kisufim Crossing and the road leading to Gush Katif...  The ironic part is that two of the newly-built homes were built precisely along the wadi [channel], when any thinking person knows that in the winter the rainwater that gathers there will flood those buildings...  Instead of permanently evacuating the illegal neighborhood that is a genuine threat to the travelers on the road, the army comes out with declarations of 'humanitarian evacuation of Palestinian residents from their flooded homes.'"

Three of the four victims of yesterday's terrorist bombing at the Erez Crossing in northern Gaza were buried today:
* Security guard Gal Shapira, 29, of Ashkelon, was laid to rest in the cemetery in his hometown.  He is survived by his parents and sister.
* The funeral of Sgt. Tzur Ohr, 20, of Rishon LeTzion was held in the military cemetery in Holon.  He was the only child of his parents Tal and Adi.
* At 3 PM in Nahariya, Corp. Andrei Kegeles, 19, was laid to rest.  He is survived by his parents and younger brother.
* The funeral of the fourth victim - Border Guard St.-Sgt. Vladimir Trostinsky, 22, of Rehovot - has not yet been set.  He immigrated to Israel six years ago with his mother and younger brother, and his father remained in Russia.

The security forces arrested a terrorist armed with a Kalachnikov rifle and magazines last night in the Shomron.  It is assumed that he planned to infiltrate one of the neighboring Jewish communities and commit an attack.  Just the night before, Ro'i Arbel of Talmon, father of five small children, including two-month-old triplets, was shot and murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while on his way home.


Charles Mims
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