December 31, 2003 :: Ace In The Hole

Christmas came early for the Bush family this year. I'm obviously referring to the recent capture of Saddam Hussein. And, in the spirit of the holidays, President Bush has already insinuated that a good old fashioned execution is the best way to rid the world of the deposed dictator.

Whether you're a supporter of the war or not, seeing Saddam Hussein sporting the Nick Nolte mug shot hairdo had to have been entertaining. The tongue depressor was a nice touch as well.

Some organizations, including The Vatican, feel that broadcasting those images was unnecessary. I think it's the least we can do. Keep in mind who we're talking about here.

Hussein was a ruthless dictator who was feared by his people. Ironically, however, this is the same man who was found cowering in a hole by our soldiers. He was armed, but didn't fire a shot. He probably would have been better served if he had though. He'd be dead, of course, but chances are, that's going to be end result anyway.

According to published reports, Hussein actually stated he was willing to negotiate. Brilliant. For a man that was supposedly quite intelligent, this wasn't one of his finer moments.

President Bush has already said that Saddam deserves the "ultimate penalty." In that case, what's to negotiate?

While Saddam was in power, he talked a big game. He humiliated and destroyed all too many of his people. The circumstances surrounding his capture, however, portray a person who wasn't half the man he claimed to be.

When the war began, I was fairly confident that Saddam Hussein would be found at some point in time. I did not think he would be taken alive though. His sons fought to the death, whereas Saddam has most likely sentenced himself to the same fate instead.

Now that Saddam is in custody, he should be given a fair trial in his Iraq. The question is: will it be fair by our standards, or by his? If it's the latter, he should have pulled the trigger back in that hole, because he doesn't stand a chance.

As images of Saddam beamed into homes around the world, I felt very patriotic. I'm happy for our troops, because we all know they deserve some good news every now and then. Our boys had gone hunting, and they snared one hell of a Christmas turkey.
Charles Mims
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