Diaper Duty
Letterman discusses fatherhood

By Kat Giantis
MSN Entertainment
Jan. 12, 2004

The tables were turned on David Letterman on Monday when he stopped by to wish Howard Stern a happy 50th birthday. The grumpy "Late Show" host barely had time to pass along his best wishes to the King of All Media before he was bombarded with personal questions about being a first-time dad (girlfriend Regina Lasko gave birth to son Harry in November).

"I was not prepared for the fact that he'd be so amusing," said Letterman of his offspring, revealing that he not only pulls late-night baby duty but even changes diapers. Despite being a dedicated daddy, Dave insists, "I've got no business having a kid. I've got no business having a dog." When Stern asked whether staying up with the kid interfered with his hosting duties, Letterman quipped, "Sleep is not imperative to do the kind of show I'm doing. I sleep during the show."

This is the second time in about two months that Stern has grilled Letterman (their previous sit-down on "The Late Show" aired shortly after Harry's debut and scored huge ratings), and he once again asked him about his knot-tying plans. Letterman, whose first marriage ended in divorce, seemed decidedly non-committal on making it legal: "I had one years ago. And I suppose one day it will happen again." That's a bit of a change from what Letterman told Stern during their last chat, when he declared, "Yes, absolutely, I'll be getting married. When, we're still negotiating."

Letterman also dismissed rumors that he's planning to retire, explaining, "I'm just going to wait until they fire me," since if he wasn't hosting a talk show, "I don't know what else I would do."

Charles Mims
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