The 'Bizarre Rant' That Destroyed Howard Dean

Howard Dean's "bizarre rant" after his defeat in Iowa is looking like the fatal blow to his campaign, according the New York Post and others.

"I used to be on the Dean bandwagon, but now I feel as if he's imploding," said medical student Eliza Shulman.

"I was really scared when I saw him on TV. I can't believe I used to be for that guy. It's embarrassing."

The Post quoted "stunned" strategists for Democrat rivals, including this one: "I don't know how he'll ever be able to convince voters that he has the gravitas, temperament and judgment to be president."

The two-day-old outburst continues to be the talk of the nation. Jay Leno last night had his audience roaring with jabs at the former front-runner: "Did you see that speech Howard Dean gave last night? I heard that the cows in Iowa are now afraid of getting mad Dean disease."

On "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart showed comical footage of a previous rant in which Dean practically choked on his own hatred as he vowed to send President Bush "back to Crawford, Texas." Stewart likened him to Gollum, the split-personality creature from "Lord of the Rings," and showed a graphic with Dean's face superimposed on Gollum's body.

Republican strategist Kellyanne Conway told the Post, "This was the latest episode in the new reality show: 'Howard Dean's Freak Show.'

"He comes across either as a child who's throwing a temper tantrum and taking his ball and going home from the sandbox, or a grown man whose temper is really disturbing."

Charles Mims

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