Yes, it is 1:31 am EST and I am up. Why you may ask? Because I am waiting for the next round of puking to commence from Beau (my youngest son-age 4)
Now, my youngest daughter who is 3 woke up Sunday night sick. How did she handle it? She held her hand under her mouth with puke in the hand and came into our room and woke me up. She didn't cry, she didn't scream. She was sick 3 times and all 3 times got out of her bunkbed and went to the bathroom and called for me.
Now, my son...whom I love dearly, wakes up screaming. I fall out of bed and dart in his room to find chunks on his blanket, down his shirt, and on his pillow. He never even attempted to leave the bed.
15 minutes later with a clean bed, a bath and new jammies, he is back in bed with a trashcan beside him on the floor and a nightlight on.
40 minutes later....blood curdling screams again.
Chunks down the jammies, on the new blanket, on the clean sheets, in his hair, and on his chin.
Trashcan sits empty next to the bed untouched.
My 12 year old son is the same way. He pukes where he is and makes no attempts at the toilet or even the trashcan in his room. Instead, he stands up and cries out " help me."
In closing, males are truly babies...every last one of them. This is the truth.
But I love them all dearly, anyway.

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