Will We Still Be A Two-Party Country After 2004?

January 19, 2004

by Terri Hillhouse

No, I’m not counting Republican chickens before they’ve hatched. We in conservative circles recognize that the Democrats have moved so far to the left that they are about to step off the edge of the known world of American politics. What’s more, they all seem powerless to stop their own demise.

The Clinton’s personal brand of politics has been utterly devoid of morality. They are always ready to engage in personal destruction and in the selling out of American values. This attitude has created a constituency among the party’s far left wing that is willing to support any tactic or any candidate, the loonier the better, as long as there is a chance of wresting power away from George Bush.

The Democrat National Committee has been thoroughly corrupted under the leadership of Clinton political hack Terry McAuliffe. It is now willing to give the choosing of a United States president over to financing by foreign interests in the name of “winning” at any cost. It is a philosophy so corrupt that the driving emotion behind its agenda is hatred of a sitting president in time of war. It is a philosophy so bizarre that it has worked its candidates into a position of having to hope, no not just hope, but actively campaign for bad things to befall America. That is their favorite way of scoring points with an electorate that seems all too eager to follow this sick way of thinking.

Just look at the kind of statements that come from the anti-war leading Democrat, Howard Dean. The good doctor expressed his great concern for the eventual disposition of the man who killed nearly 3,000 Americans in September of 2001 thusly, "I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Osama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials." Doesn’t it just warm the cockles of your heart to know that the old- fashioned Dr. Dean is so concerned with justice for this cowardly slayer of innocent Americans?

Before your heart overheats you should know that Dean later reversed himself (again) when he said "As president, I would have to defend the process of the rule of law. But as an American, I want to make sure he gets the death penalty he deserves." No doubt he was pounced on by a staffer with more sense than he has.

This is the same Dr. Dean who wants to appeal to young men in the South with Confederate flags on their pickup trucks. When that statement fell so memorably flat, it was imperative that he find another with which to woo the Southern vote. And so to whom did he turn but Jesus Christ. Perhaps the recent Christmas season reminded him that many people in the Southern states actually believe in God.

And let us not forget for a moment his mind boggling, breath stopping, statement that "We've gotten rid of him [Saddam Hussein], and I suppose that's a good thing." Or his April 2003 declaration that "We won't always have the strongest military."

On the face of it, this is surely good news for the Republican Party and for conservatives everywhere---or is it? Let’s take a look at who is really getting left out in the cold. One might immediately jump to the conclusion that it is Independents and moderate Democrats, but one would be wrong.

Nature abhors a vacuum and so the Republican Party has also moved to the left to occupy the ground that used to be held by a more moderate Democrat Party. A party represented by such as the soon to be retired Zell Miller, as well as current candidates Dick Gephardt and Joe Lieberman.

We now find that it is Republicans who are giving us not only huge tax cuts but also huge spending increases in the areas of government entitlements. You have only to revisit the recent prescription drug/Medicare bill to realize how true this is.

While it may strain the credulity of some Independents and former Democrats to vote Republican for the first time, they will assuredly feel right at home in today’s GOP once they brush themselves off and realize what they are getting. Today’s Republican Party is most assuredly not your father’s Grand Ol’ Party.

And so we are left to ask, will we still have a two party political system after the 2004 election and will we thrive as a country if we don’t?

Charles Mims

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. - Comte de Bussy-Rabutin
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