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If you were able to decide the fate of medicare/medicaid and our public school system, what would you do?
Is it worth saving? If you are against medicare/medicaid, even for poor children and seniors, how do you propose these people would get care?

First of all... In this country anybody that shows up in an Emergency Room can not be denied care. About all that can be done about medicare is
to curtail it's growth. The best way to do that is encourage ways for the private sector to make money off selling health care and encourage
competition. We need to find way to make health costs go down. A good start would be to limit the amount of money that people can sue doctors
for. Malpractice insurance and Layers are driving up the cost of healthcare. Also any non US citizen in this country legally or illegally must have
health insurance or be deported. If they show up for emergency medical care without insurance they must be deported after treatment.
What about public schools? If we went with a voucher program, how would the families who can't afford to pay tuition or vouchers afford for their kids to attend school?

The money that the state spends on your kid to go to public school (through tax dollars) is given to the parent ( a "Voucher") to pay for a private school.
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