On Sunday, September 19, 2004, 10:11:27 AM, Landry wrote:

LW> Pete, I am wondering why Sniffer has such a problem detecting
LW> the so-called "NIGERIAN" types of spam.  It seems that I have been
LW> forwarding several of them daily to the spam@ address for weeks,
LW> but Sniffer still consistently misses them.  There must be some
LW> kind of pattern that Sniffer can trigger on to catch these types
LW> of spam.  It hasn't been a real problem for me since SpamAssassin
LW> always catches them, but for those that are not running
LW> SpamAssassin, they must see lots of these types of spam showing up
LW> in their inboxes daily.

We have quite a few rules for these, however they are constantly
evolving. Up to now I've been very conservative with the rules that I
create for these types of messages because they deal directly with the
text and I want to avoid false positives. The other rules we do create
are for the contact info - so at least that can never be used again
once we've seen it.

I will look again to see if there is a way to be more aggressive about
these without risking more false positives.

Do keep sending them in.


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