Title: Message
Bill, you the man!
I was just polishing my own script based on comments made by you and Bonno at the end of the week!  My modest efforts are attached as a .txt file.
A few comments from my own efforts:
The wget compress option to save me and Pete some bandwidth isn't working for me.  I don't know if the problems lies in my Win32 wget or in Pete's webserver options.  If it's Pete's server, then your gzip is happy to find no compressed file, and return you the original format.
My script checks the result file (your snfupd.txt) and skips the replace step if the download was skipped or errored out.
My script rotates the Sniffer log before quitting.
I'm including it for posterity, and to help the folks in the cheap seats.  I haven't bothered with variables.
Andrew 8)
p.s. Instead of Scheduled Tasks, I use the "AT" command from the command line so that the update runs as the SYSTEM account; I'd rather have multiple AT commands than remember to change the password on an account and all of it's Scheduled Tasks.
-----Original Message-----
From: Landry William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:48 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Rulebase download script

Attached is an updated rulebase download script for Windows environments that includes variable usage, better comments, gzip compression via wget, new file testing before download, and the ability to e-mail yourself the script results, if desired.  This script has been compiled from suggestions to this list and from my own script.

You will need to rename the script file from ".txt" to ".cmd" in order to use (used ".txt" in order to bypass filter rules and virus scanners).  You can then schedule the script to run via "Scheduled Tasks"




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@REM This file is C:\Utils\UpdateSniffer.cmd
@REM AC July-06-2003
@REM The purpose is to truncate the MailSniffer log and fetch a fresh copy of the
@REM spam signatures rulebase.
@REM Dependencies:
@REM   wget.exe package (free) from http://wget.org
@REM   waitfor.exe utility (free) from the NT Resource Kit
@REM   fgrep.exe (free) from http://www.gnu.org
@REM Sep-07-2004 AC updated to make use of the sniffer check executable
@REM Oct-30-2004 AC updated to skip the download with wget -N if it is a duplicate of 
a previous download
@REM                and also to skip the update if the download was a duplicate

@echo off
cd \mailsniffer
if not exist d:\mailsniffer\temp\. md d:\mailsniffer\temp
if exist d:\mailsniffer\temp\result.txt del d:\mailsniffer\temp\result.txt
wget --tries=10 --wait=5 --random-wait --directory-prefix=d:\mailsniffer\temp -o 
d:\mailsniffer\temp\result.txt -N 

REM If we didn't get the file, at least rotate the log file before quitting

if errorlevel 1 goto logrot
if not exist temp\snfrv2r3.snf goto logrot

REM Ok, we got the file, but is it fresh? Quit if it is the same as last time
fgrep "Server file no newer than local file" d:\mailsniffer\temp\result.txt
if not errorlevel 1 goto logrot

REM Check the file for validity, and at least rotate the log file before quitting

snf2check.exe temp\snfrv2r3.snf xnk05x5vmipeaof7
if not errorlevel 0 goto logrot

REM If we are here, the file was downloaded, was new, and checked out fine.

if exist snfrv2r3.snf.bak del snfrv2r3.snf.bak

ren snfrv2r3.snf snfrv2r3.snf.bak

waitfor 1
move /y temp\snfrv2r3.snf snfrv2r3.snf
if not errorlevel 0 goto doreplace

REM We send a "snfrv2r3 reload" here, although it checks every ten minutes anyway
snfrv2r3 reload

snfrv2r3.exe rotate


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