On Sunday, November 28, 2004, 6:01:39 PM, Richard wrote:

RF> I just noticed that I am no longer getting updated emails for the sniffer to
RF> trigger the automatic update.. The last one was on Nov 11...Customers had
RF> told me they were getting more spam but I just thought we were getting
RF> hammered with more..

Hi Richard,

According to our records your license expired on 2004-11-01.
You should have received an renewal notice by email about a month
before that.

Last License Compile:   11/11/2004 22:37:00 (GMT)

I will launch a compile of your rulebase.

Please complete a renewal as soon as possible. I am on duty through
the evening. I will be sure to re-enable your account as soon as the
renewal comes through.

Hope this helps,

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and 
(un)subscription instructions go to 

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