Good point... I don't know why I didn't think of that... As soon as I get in in the morning, I'm gonna change that... That's also one of the reasons I posted to the list :) I'm always trying to make things harder for myself ;)


Landry William wrote:
Russ, why go through all of the additional steps?  I just pointed my program
alias directly to my snfupd.cmd file and it works just fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Uhte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:33 PM
To: Daniel Ivey
Subject: Re: [sniffer] Sniffer Downloads

Daniel Ivey wrote:


My name is Daniel Ivey with GCR Company. I am interested in your


of the program alias for the Sniffer updates. Could you please email me with more information about the program alias, WGET that is used and what type of OS is on your server? We currently use NT4 SP6a. The more details the better, as I am a bit rusty at programming and scripts. Thanks in advance.

I'm also copying the list just because someone else my find the info useful. This is running on a windows 2000 server.

I won't claim to be a "scripter or programmer" either, and this is going to be the quick and dirty because I'm getting ready to take off for the day :)

Download the update script this file actually has the code that has to be copied and pasted in a new document... I called the document snfupd.vbs, and change the xxxxxxxx.snf to "your licsence id.snf", change the line that says Shell.Run to "path to your sniffer directory\snfupd.cmd"

you'll also need to comment out the lines of ... with a '

Now download the cmd file which does the actual updating from and here are the changes I made:

1. changed LiscenseID to my licsenceid
2. changed AuthCode to my AuthCode
3. changed IMailDir to my IMailDir
4. changed SnifferDir to my SnifferDir
5. changed MailTo to my email address
6. changed FromDom to my domain
7. I removed the -N from the wget command because it will always be new because you're doing it from a trigger.
8. I removed the rem in front of the command that sends out notifications

Then create a batch file, I created on in c:\batch\ called snfupd.bat with the following lines, note that you may have to change the drive and path to suit your environment:
cd d:\Imail\Declude\Sniffer
cscript snfupd.vbs %1

Make sure you have the snfupd.vbs and snfupd.cmd, snf2check.exe and the wget.exe files all in the sniffer directory, then in Imail create a new alias, type is program, the command to run is c:\batch\snfupd.bat, and then test it by forwarding a couple of the notifications to that alias address. Once you know it's working, notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] to change your notification address.

If you have any questions let me know. I'll be happy to help just as quickly as I can.


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