rename abcdefg.snf abcdefg.old
rename abcdefg.tst abcdefg.snf
copy /V /Y abcdefg.snf C:\sniffer\abcdefg.snf

I would use copy /V /Y abcdefg.snf C:\sniffer\ Rename C:\sniffer\abcdefg.snf abcdefg.old Rename C:\sniffer\ abcdefg.snf C:\sniffer\abcdefg.exe reload

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Matuska" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

So far it seems to be working, at least it doesn't seem to be downloading the rulebase yet, I'll have to see if it does later when there is an updated rulebase. My script uses a copy at the end rather than a move. It's listed below for reference. Do you see any issues?

wget -N -O --http-user=***** --http-passwd=*****
if exist goto Replace
goto Done
rename abcdefg.tst
snf2check.exe abcdefg.tst abcdefg
if errorlevel 1 goto Done
echo New File Tested GOOD!
if exist abcdefg.old del abcdefg.old
rename abcdefg.snf abcdefg.old
rename abcdefg.tst abcdefg.snf
copy /V /Y abcdefg.snf C:\sniffer\abcdefg.snf
if exist abcdefg.tst del abcdefg.tst

Jim Matuska Jr. Computer Tech2, CCNA Nez Perce Tribe Information Systems [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pete McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jim Matuska" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 11:12 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [sniffer] Downloads are slow...

On Tuesday, December 28, 2004, 12:49:21 PM, Jim wrote:

JM> I agree that something needs to be done about the update scripts that are
JM> inadvertently downloading the full rulebase all the time. I didn't even
JM> know it but we were doing this until I went through our update script again
JM> this morning and found it didn't have the -N option in Wget, so we were

Watch out - you may still have not fixed it. One of the tricks with
the -N option is that the file downloaded previously must still be in
it's place for the comparison. If it has been moved then the -N will
not matter.

This make things a little bit more complex since you can't download a
rulebase file on top of the one that is running.


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