
It does run from the command line, creates the log file. I didn't give it a file to check so it gave and error so at least it does something.

For some reason it won't run the sniffer program from the batch file.

I put in a pause and ran it, it is returning an error code of 65 with no file given when running it in the batch file. however it does not create a log file.

I have permissions on the file and the folder as loose as it gets, everyone full control. still nothing.

I tried using CALL in front of the line and it gave me the same thing.

Any ideas on why it wont run in a batch file? Been so long since I have played with DOS, it is embarassing.


At 02:31 AM 1/7/2005, you wrote:
On Friday, January 7, 2005, 12:55:34 AM, Phillip wrote:

PC> Is there anything special I need to do to get sniffer to work with VopMail?
PC> I have everything in the way it is supposed to be but seems like it doesn't
PC> do anything. No mail is being put into the spam directory. I am using the
PC> agent.bat file as directed on the web site with the latest version of rules
PC> as downloaded.

PC> Do I need to turn something else on to get it to use the agent? This is the
PC> final version of VopMail before they switched to Modus running on Win2k server.

The first thing you want to do is run your script from the command
line and make sure that sniffer creates a log file entry each time you
do. Once you have that working it should work just as well when it is
called from inside VopMail.

SNF always creates either a log entry or an error message. Running
your script from the command line will let you see any error messages
that might show up so that you can solve the problem.

Hope this helps,

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